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Monday, March 13, 2017

Rape Survivor Explains Why Guns Save Lives

On May 12, 2006, Kimberly Corban was asleep in her college bedroom when a complete stranger raped her.

She thought those was her last moments on earth, as he tried killing her soul by brutally assaulting her body. This assault, her 911 call and her decisions afterward changed the trajectory of her entire life.

Now, she believes “your greatest courage comes from your worst struggles.” She has vowed never to be vulnerable again as she has learned more about self-protection, including how to use a firearm.

With her help and courage, her rapist was caught and convicted in 2007. She has also become a role model and an inspiration to a multitude of other young people who are learning how to protect themselves.



  1. Democrats don't care about women.

  2. And how many drunk drivers get away with not killing someone.

  3. I've been driving drunk for 50 years and never killed anyone or got a ticket...Cheers

  4. Our leaders prefer to have thugs rape our women and wreak havoc upon "we, the people" than ALLOW us (and its ONLY by their good graces that we have anything at all) to use our rights established by our founders. They surround themselves with a small army of ready-to-kill-you security forces, live in gated communities, and don't mingle with too many black people or other minorities (unless it's the housekeeper or caddy) or just plain desperate people. No homeless person gets within 20 feet, unless it's a photo op.
    Thats why I never listened to their pompus and arrogant declarations about who THEY think may exercise their rights and liberties. They have given themselves power. Given it to THEMSELVES! lol....no not really....they have deceitfully, sneakingly, slowly, and often in the most convoluted of ways and reasoning, conspired to convince citizens that THEY have some kind of authority to tell us what THEY approve of and that is supposed to be the new standard of what our rights are....
    I recommend everyone get a gun, learn to hit a target (quickly), and carry that gun everywhere. The police have no fear of honest citizens with guns and honest citizens should WELCOME other honest citizens who carry.
    And, unless your leader is willing to escort your wife to the mall after dark, or to the Post Office on Saturday evening, I say pack that pistol and don't think you need anyone's PERMISSION. Anyone's.
    I also recommend you familiarize yourself with "jury nullification". I'd do it for you...

  5. After learning how to Shoot ...she should have shot him !!!

  6. Right while he in court if necessary !!!

  7. if she had Only had a 44magnum and shot the bastard....
    that would have been Real Justice and a deterant .....

    TIME in jail/prison is a JOKE = No Justice at all ......

  8. Only justice is when he dies and goes to Hell , and he Will

  9. USA Not capable of Real Justice
    Even the Nazi's of WW2 and Japs back then GOT OFF > Scott Free ...........should have gave them to Stalin !!!


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