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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Police: Baltimore Man Went to NY to attack black people

NEW YORK (AP) — A white U.S. Army veteran from Baltimore bent on making a racist attack took a bus to New York, the “media capital of the world,” randomly picked out a black man who was collecting bottles on the street and killed him with a sword, police said Wednesday.

James Harris Jackson turned himself in at a Times Square police station early Wednesday, about 25 hours after Timothy Caughman staggered into a police precinct bleeding to death.

“I’m the person that you’re looking for,” Jackson told police, according to Assistant Chief William Aubrey.

Jackson, who was arrested on suspicion of murder, told police he’d harbored feelings of hatred toward black men for at least 10 years, authorities said. He traveled to New York on March 17 and had been staying in a Manhattan hotel.



  1. What do expect with the continued attack and abuse on white people in every city in America ?

    1. I knew he would find a defender here on SBYNews....

    2. Certain groups of blacks do act entitled, but not all.

  2. We of rational thinking all have bad feelings about black people who are murderers, thieves, rapists, kidnappers, and political opportunists, but we don't lump all black people into that equation, because we could say the same things about whites who do the same things.

    1. Very true. In my lifetime I have met many wonderful, decent black people. It's wrong to categorize all due to what some of the group choose to do. I've been helped by black people when white people choose to look the other way. One time my car overheated and I was stranded. The only person who stopped to help me was by chance a black woman who I knew from my community. I have met good and bad people from all races. Try to not lump all people together based on their looks.

  3. 8:44 he killed a helpless old man. 6:33 I agree with your statement.

  4. Hate to be captain obvious but, he couldn't find any blacks in Baltimore?

    1. Even if he could find them in Baltimore, it's no excuse to be a murderer.

  5. Hpw about those black people that were doing the knock out game on old white people ?

    1. They were wrong too, but that's not the issue. This is about a murdered man. The victim has nothing to do with what other criminal black people were doing. Apples and oranges comparison.

  6. He commited a crime. The victim was an older black man who was minding his own business. A rational person does not lump all people together. I agree that there are groups of blacks that are troublemakers, but there are plenty of good blank people. This man deserves jail time for murdering an innocent person.


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