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Thursday, March 09, 2017

Physicians on Ryan’s Obamacare 2.0: ‘Doomed for Failure’

Physicians urging patient-centered, free-market health care say House Speaker Paul Ryan’s newly released proposal to repeal Obamacare does not actually repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and, therefore, is “doomed for failure.”

“Since this does not completely repeal the ACA, we are still left with thousands of pages of regulations that will have unknown consequences in the future,” Dr. Gerard Gianoli, of the Louisiana-based Ear and Balance Institute, tells Breitbart News. “The GOP plan is worse than a repeal with no replacement plan at all.”

Gianoli explains:

It will not prevent the death spiral of the insurance industry, which will be now blamed on Republicans, and the march toward a government-controlled, single-payer system will continue. The GOP plan is doomed for failure. Instead of returning the insurance market to the vigor of a free market, the government will be supporting it with tax credits – the flip side of the ACA insurance penalty.


1 comment:

  1. Throw out all 25,000 pages and let us buy our own policies from an insurance company of our choice from any state who will work directly with the doctors and hospitals for the best deals. There is absolutely no reason to involve government bureaucrats in any of it. Lawyers are not doctors and they have never run insurance businesses.


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