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Thursday, March 02, 2017

Petition urging Obama to run for president in France gains 42,000 signatures

The slogan in French is, “Oui, on peut,” which translates into “Yes, we can.”

Former President Obama is a U.S. citizen, which means he is an ineligible candidate, but that did not stop 42,000 supporters in the country to sign an online petition urging him to run.

One of the petition’s organizers told the BBC that the message is intended to the eligible candidates running for office: “Hey guys, you don’t really make us dream.”

With Europe's migrant influx and fears of Islamic extremism on many voters' minds, polls show high support for the tough-on-security platform of conservative former Prime Minister Francois Fillon and the nationalist campaign of far-right leader Marine Le Pen.

However, Fillon has stumbled on allegations of fake taxpayer-funded jobs for his wife and children - particularly damaging for someone pledging to slash public spending. Le Pen, who came in third in the 2012 race, is facing financial investigations too. And while she hopes to ride a wave of anti-establishment, anti-European Union sentiment to power, numerous critics fear her worldview is racist and dangerous.



  1. This is a statement by France to the candidates saying "We're not impressed by our selection"

  2. Please head on over ... sooner the better and take all your cronies with you

  3. France just better sit this one out

  4. You never know, he might be able to pull a French birth certificate out of thin air.

  5. France thinks they're having issues now....take the guy and run!

  6. Don't look now liberals. Le Pen of the French National Front party is leading in some poles. She is the Trump of France. The French press and even some in the US press don't/won't give her a chance. So why is she leading in a lot of the poles. She is taking a page right out of Trump's play book.

  7. Then we can go to war with France.

  8. 101PM
    Bet he has one of those and several others!

  9. Shows how ignorant many of the French are!

  10. France has become a h@ll hole since the muslims took over, no wonder they got 42000 signatures.

  11. Where do I sign? send him over to France.....

  12. All Muslim signitures?

  13. He would be the perfect leader for France. Throw your weapons down and run frogs.

  14. French cowards he will fit right in.

  15. He could run for the president of Kenya.

  16. The Manchurian Candidate. I guess the French 42,000 strong don't read...


  17. All he's proffered about US citizenship is a dubious piece of paper.

    In time the facts will come out; they always do.

  18. He was born there as well.

  19. They're welcome to 'im.


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