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Friday, March 24, 2017

Offshore Wind Public Hearing Planned For Saturday

OCEAN CITY — With the clock ticking on a final decision on the developer of a vast offshore wind energy farm off the coast of Ocean City, the two candidates offer stark differences in size and scale and the local community will have the opportunity to make their preference known with a public hearing on Saturday.

In 2013, after years of debate, the General Assembly passed the Maryland Offshore Wind Energy Act, paving the way for a future offshore wind farm in an 80,000-acre Wind Energy Area (WEA) as close in a range of 10 to 30 miles off the coast of Ocean City. The WEA off Ocean City’s coast is divided into two distinct lease areas including a southern lease area directly off the coast of Ocean City, and a northern lease area to the northeast of Ocean City more situated off Delaware’s coast.

Two companies have successfully bid on the two different lease areas and their projects are significantly different in size and scale. The rights to the southern lease area are owned by U.S. Wind, based in Baltimore with an Italian-based parent company. The rights to the northern lease area are owned by Deepwater Wind, a Rhode Island-based company that has successfully developed the only operating offshore wind farm in the U.S.



  1. Before everyone gets up their opposition to a non-polluting wind farm off of the Maryland coast, remember we are just one executive order away from having offshore drilling for oil out there. Which would you RATHER have? They already know the oil is there, and it is cheap to get to, because it is shallow (relatively) where they would drill.

    At 30 miles, the turbines wouldn't be able to be even seen with the naked eye from land; at 10 miles, maybe, just maybe, on a clear day.

  2. I say drill for the oil. If they build the wind farm my electric bill will go up.

  3. Do a little research. WIND DOESN'T WORK!

    Look what wind has done to Australia? Look on Joanne Nova's website.

  4. Absolutely wind works, and has for hundreds of years, from powering the mills in the Netherlands to pumping water for the farmers in this country. Who hasn't seen a farmer's wind mill? Go out to Western Maryland and PA, and see all the windmills that "don't work" producing renewal energy for a vast region, and reducing their reliance on coal and nuclear produced energy. Your research has found nothing but anti-energy propaganda. There is NO acceptable energy source to those people. They are radical environmentalists. They want NO nuclear, NO windmills, NO coal fired plants, and NO dams. Damn, the environmentalists are even fighting solar farms now. They have no alternatives and are against every energy source available. Consider the source of your research findings. Wind is as good, or better, than any alternative or supplement, to current energy production.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Do a little research. WIND DOESN'T WORK!

    Look what wind has done to Australia? Look on Joanne Nova's website.

    March 24, 2017 at 4:20 PM

    Said the Assateague Coast Keeper the Douche Bag Kathy Phillips. Stupid F'n Treehugger!

  6. Anonymous said...
    Absolutely wind works, and has for hundreds of years, from powering the mills in the Netherlands to pumping water for the farmers in this country. Who hasn't seen a farmer's wind mill? Go out to Western Maryland and PA, and see all the windmills that "don't work" producing renewal energy for a vast region, and reducing their reliance on coal and nuclear produced energy. Your research has found nothing but anti-energy propaganda. There is NO acceptable energy source to those people. They are radical environmentalists. They want NO nuclear, NO windmills, NO coal fired plants, and NO dams. Damn, the environmentalists are even fighting solar farms now. They have no alternatives and are against every energy source available. Consider the source of your research findings. Wind is as good, or better, than any alternative or supplement, to current energy production.

    March 24, 2017 at 4:46 PM

    Of Course Windpower works unless you are a freaking tree hugger like Cathy Phillips the Assateague Coast Keeper and other chicken house haters.

  7. Cathy Phillips and Maria Payan have all but ruined the poultry industry on the shore. Don't keep letting them tell you how to live. They aren't locals so send them packing.

  8. Although it does produce energy, electricity bills are going to rise significantly because of it. Germans pay 3 times more for their energy than we do because of their heavy reliance on wind. Australians have an unreliable power grid that cannot keep the lights on in stormy weather and their costs have skyrocketed due to wind and solar. Denmark recently announced no more wind will be built. Expensive electricity will harm the poultry industry more than anything else.
    Those intimidating others on this blog are doing so to keep people from learning the truth about wind.


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