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Friday, March 03, 2017

Officials: Corrective measures taken on service members for flying Trump flag

FORT KNOX, KY. (WAVY) — Corrective measures have been taken on members of a locally based special warfare group after cellphone video surfaced last month showing a military vehicle flying a President Donald Trump campaign flag.

Lt. Jacqui Maxwell, public affairs officer for Naval Special Warfare Group TWO, confirmed to 10 On Your Side in a statement Thursday that “administrative corrective measures” were taken with each person responsible.

Here’s the full statement from Naval Special Warfare Group TWO:
"The inquiry was completed between the unit’s commanders and service members. It has been determined that those service members have violated the spirit and intent of applicable DoD regulations concerning the flying of flags and the apparent endorsement of political activities. Administrative corrective measures were taken with each individual based on their respective responsibility.”


  1. TOTAL BS! They would never have done the same if it was Obummer flag.

  2. Pi$$ off. They all LOVE their new CIC!

  3. About time the military is proud enough to be patriot.

  4. I hope the correction was to add the "Pence" flag to the other end of the bumper!

  5. If they put in for a sex change, there wouldn't be any 'corrective measures'!
    Our guys finally have a CÍC they are proud of. Let it go. I'm sure they're commanding officer feels the same. This will be written in the PC log book and forgotten about.

  6. Love our Military members!


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