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Thursday, March 30, 2017

OC Police Record More Arrests After Drug Buys In Delaware

OCEAN CITY — Continuing a recent trend in the attempt to stem the flow of heroin into Ocean City, resort police officers last week made several arrests at a known open-air drug market in Sussex County.

Some Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officers are routinely sworn in as fully-vested law enforcement officers with the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office giving OCPD narcotics detectives full powers in the county. Over the last several months, OCPD narcotics detectives have been working with the Criminal Enforcement Team in conducting proactive enforcement targeting individuals obtaining and using heroin and bringing it back into the resort area.

The operation has focused on the Polly Branch Road area in nearby Selbyville, Del. that has long been known as an open-air drug market where individuals obtain heroin and bring it back into Worcester and the resort area. Last week, OCPD officers made a handful of arrests of individuals allegedly purchasing heroin.



  1. The fact that OCPD is taking part in these arrests is a joke. The selbyville police and DE state police should be ashamed to let this drug market operate. Shut down Polly Branch or you are complicit in the drug use on the shore!

  2. Ha Ha Shannon said her man was good at multi-tasking. Shooting heroin while he was driving. Probably texting at the same time.

  3. This is all day everyday. I work around the corner I see it done all the time. We have to pick up heroin needles they throw in our driveway because they can't even make it a half mile without getting their fix. It's a constant flow in and out white and black young and old rich and poor. It's sad our country has come to this. These people don't work just Steal from everyone to facilitate their habit.

  4. Soooooo we're supposed to celebrate this big waste of tax dollars? Open air drug market yet these clowns cant track down the big supplier? They would rather us pat them on the back for tracking down a few dum dum dope fiends. Law enforcement in the US at its best. Keep shelling out federal and state grants for overtime without ever really tackling the problem.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Soooooo we're supposed to celebrate this big waste of tax dollars? Open air drug market yet these clowns cant track down the big supplier? They would rather us pat them on the back for tracking down a few dum dum dope fiends. Law enforcement in the US at its best. Keep shelling out federal and state grants for overtime without ever really tackling the problem.

    March 30, 2017 at 8:26 PM

    The supplier is the US Gov't.

  6. this is a joke, said it before and say it again. the kops dont want to win the war on drugs, there is to much money at stake, we only want to make it look like we are winning that way the jobs, money, etc keep flowing. Want to really win the war on drugs install the death penalty for dealing heroin, etc, i guarantee you'll win it then!

    Terrible joke being played out against the american populace!

  7. They are just trying to blur the line between PD and Sheriffs and feds and state police... Soon Obama will have his civilian national police force strong as or stronger than the military... And what is funny is, he gave a speech about it and you all cheered and clapped and laughed and loved it, and now it is a reality...


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