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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

NY Times: There Needs To Be A Crackdown On Illegal Alien Employers

It’s hard to be sure what was going through the minds of the Editorial Board of the NY Times in calling for a crackdown of employers of those unlawfully present in the United States. Perhaps it was a typical kneejerk opposition to Donald Trump. Perhaps they’d been drinking too much. Regardless, once you get beyond the Trump Derangement Syndrome within the editorial, the idea is sound, and what I and so many others have been saying since this issue became serious in the post 9/11 world

No Crackdown on Illegal Employers

President Trump began his campaign assailing immigrants as ruthless lawbreakers who steal American jobs with impunity. To halt them, he has vowed to build a wall along the border with Mexico, hire thousands of new immigration agents, ramp up immigrant detention and subject visa applicants to even more rigorous vetting. His administration has been largely silent, however, about the strongest magnet that has drawn millions of immigrants, legal and not, to the United States for generations: jobs.

American employers continue to assume relatively little risk by hiring undocumented immigrants to perform menial, backbreaking work, often for little pay. Meanwhile, as Mr. Trump’s deportation crackdown accelerates, families are being ripped apart, and communities of hard-working immigrants with deep roots in this country are gripped by fear and uncertainty. As long as employers remain off the hook, a border wall and an expanded dragnet can only make temporary dents in the flows of undocumented immigrants.



  1. Used to be that there was a $10,000 fine for employing an undocumented (illegal alien) worker. What happened to that law?

  2. The only thing that needs to be done is to have a 5 - 10% tax on every wire transfer to Mexico. Simple Stupid. They tax everything else, so I should not hear any pushback. Just sayin.............

  3. Apply minimum wage for all workers. But have all workers show legitimate proof that they are here to work legally. After all, what Americans will go to work picking crops in the fields these days?

  4. I just bet western union can provide figures of how much and to where daily wire transfers go....Hmmmm.....

    1. THATS were Trump needs to tax 20% of all money to mexico to pay for the WALL.

  5. There will be a lot of Hollywood stars in jail if we put employers of illegal immigrants in jail.

  6. This is very long overdue. I hope it happens.

  7. Oh yeah, that $10,000 penalty is still on the books. It is just another federal LAW that Obama chose not to enforce, in contradiction to the oath of office that he took (on a Koran).

  8. Do you all really believe that Trump has never employed illegals?

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Do you all really believe that Trump has never employed illegals?

    March 21, 2017 at 12:29 PM

    And why do YOU think he has? Do you have some kind of proof? Has it been reported by someone? Or do you just have some kind of bias against wealthy people and assume that they are all law-breakers? Your comment serves no purpose.

    1. No proof bc thats what brainwashed snowflakes are taught in liberal 60s prof colleges.

  10. Families being torn apart? What does that mean? How many Americans that have families, are in prison today? An American commits a crime, it does not matter if you have a family or not. You pay for your crime. So why should it matter with an illegal?? They committed a crime coming here and need to face the consequences.

  11. 1:25, Trump does not do the hiring and firing. He has someone do the work for him. So blame whoever that is.


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