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Friday, March 24, 2017

Nunes: "The FBI Is Not Cooperating With Our Investigation Into Trump Wiretapping"

The FBI is not cooperating with the House of Representatives' investigation into the NSA's surveillance of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, the chairman of the U.S. House Permanent Select Committee, Devin Nunes said in a press conference on Wednesday afternoon.

In the aftermath of today's most stunning news report, namely the confirmation that Trump may have been right all along following the admission of House Intel Committee Chair Devin Nunes that the communications of Trump's aides and the president himself had been "incidentally" monitored, Nunes held an explosive press conference outside the White House in which told reporters that communications from the Trump team were picked up and disseminated within the government during the 2016 campaign. Nunes said sources within the intelligence community presented him with the information. He spoke to the press after briefing the administration.

Nunes said that he had briefed the president about his concerns over the "incidental" collection of data, adding that the president "needs to know" that these intel reports exist, and adding ominously that "some of what I've seen seems to be inappropriate."

Nunes also said that Trump, others in the transition team were put into the intelligence report and asked if Trump should be in these "normal" reports.



  1. Replace this FBI Director. He has been there to long and appears to have lost his way on his job duties and is playing to much politics. He could very well be the Liberal Democrat leak. Has Obama / Soros /Clintons got to him. He has got his tax payer welfare check for life with benefits.

  2. Commey is a backstabbing pos.

  3. Hillary Clinton wasn't charged. We all no thanks to wiki she broke the law several times.

  4. Obama and hillary cells are in the WH system trying to destroy Trump.

  5. WTH doesn't Trump replace all these directors and department heads like Commie Comey?? Isn't that what all Presidents, Governors, County Executives and Mayors do?


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