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Monday, March 13, 2017

Now it’s new Democratic Party vs. American worker

Trevor Loudon exposes what's happened to the American left

The Democratic Party once produced presidents such as Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy. Major party leaders were fierce opponents of mass immigration because they recognized the negative impact it had on wages.

And America’s center-left party presented itself as a friend to American workers, fighting for their interests against corporate bosses.

But the Democratic Party of the past is not the Democratic Party of today. Indeed, one author and researcher suggests the current Democratic Party is more concerned with defending “international socialism” than American workers.

Trevor Loudon, who has researched communism and leftist movements for decades, exposes the change within the Democrats in his documentary “The Enemies Within.” He argues the current Democrat leadership team of chairman Tom Perez and vice-chairman Keith Ellison represents a fundamental departure for the party from its patriotic past.

“It is a socialist party,” he told WND. “Today’s Democratic Party has completely abandoned the ‘middle ground.’ It is now a full-on ‘progressive party’ with an agenda and platform almost indistinguishable from that of the Communist Party, or Democratic Socialists of America – which incidentally openly backed Ellison in his race against Perez.

“The Democrats of today would be marching in the streets against traditional Democrats such as Harry Truman or JFK.”



  1. The democrats of today hate America and all American history.

  2. Dont fool yourself its a globlist agenda supported by both parties. They are all rainbow warriors. Trump is our last hope to reverse this trend.

  3. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 13, 2017 at 6:51 PM

    DINO - Democrat in the name Only.
    Party went down the slippery slope since Slick Willy Clinton affair with Monica L. Total disregard for Moral standard, Honesty, Integrity. No spine, no truth, just socialist propaganda.

  4. For one thing - the Democrats have literally run out of the county all of America's businesses. Virtually all of the Fortune 500 businesses have already exited the US. And virtually all of it was under the Democrats last 8 year watch. What's left, nothing but service sector, low skill, low wage jobs.

  5. American Workers JUST WON !! (The Trump WIN ) WAke Up !!!

  6. Demon-crats LOST >> Poor Babies !! Keep Wineing !!!

  7. American WORKERS Taking over ...Taking America BACK !!!

  8. He hit the nail on the head. I can't believe intelligent people still vote for democrats, knowing that they want to tear up the fabric of the American way of life and many of our patriotic traditions. It's traitor-ism


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