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Sunday, March 12, 2017

Northern Virginia gang activity ‘out of control,’ says police chief

Gang activity is “getting out of control” in Northern Virginia and to blame for the deaths of two people whose remains were found in a Fairfax County park, police officials said Friday announcing the gruesome discovery.

The remains of two bodies were located Thursday night in the Holmes Run Park in Lincolnia. Police had yet to identify the victims or say how they were killed — but this isn’t the first time authorities have recovered human remains in the park. Two former MS-13 gang members were killed, dismembered and buried in Homes Run Park in 2013 and 2014 after they angered other members of the gang. Thirteen MS-13 gang members were convicted last year of those killings as well as another fatal shooting in Northern Virginia.

“This problem is horrible,” said Fairfax County Police Chief Ed Roessler. “This is four murders in this park. Obviously, we’ve had other murders in the region in the past few weeks. This is getting out of control and we need to stop it.”

More here


  1. It's not the park that's the problem, it's the recreation.

  2. That's what happens when you keep voting for Democrats. More and more people are going to die with these illegals and these gangs.

  3. Is it racist of me to wonder if Northern Virginia is a "sanctuary"?

  4. "This is getting out of control and we need to stop it." is almost like a bad movie line, it's used so often.

  5. Nobody wants to enforce the law.

  6. its those damn conservative republican gangs shooting each other

  7. Northern Virginia is a Demoncat stronghold. If not for the federal teat feeding the white collar workers(gee, is it waythitht to say white collar?) it'd be Detroit.

  8. Plain/simple here LEO's - shoot FIRST and ask questions later?
    Criminals do it automatically and then LAUGH!


  9. Salisbury is just as bad with all the gang activity here that is not being addressed. The gangs own Salisbury.

  10. Northern VA votes overwhelmingly democrat so they deserve all the crime they get from the El Salvadorian MS-13 gang. They grew it now they can suck on it. Voting has consequences and they are getting the consequences of their votes.

  11. There only killing other gang members.

  12. Those are the murders we KNOW about. Only really really really stupid people think those are the only ones these animals have done.
    they didn't come here to "assimilate" or find work, or become an American.

    They came here because the market for drugs, prostitution, and theft is so large and our police, hampered by the liberal "don't hurt any illegal's feelings and don't assume that because seven of them are hanging out on a corner at 1AM, yelling at cars, they are criminals" crowd.
    Its CRIME they came here for. Put them on a ship bound for Bolivia and sink it about 300 miles off the coast. things happen.....

  13. Anonymous said...
    Nobody wants to enforce the law.

    March 6, 2017 at 10:36 AM

    That's because they have been through 8 years of that illegal Muslim occupying the White House. It is getting difficult to understand that we have a new sheriff in town.

  14. Send in Seal Team 6 to kill these bastards and deport the
    remaining ones........LONG Overdue

    It should be done by Military > Take out ALL Gangs !!!

  15. Look. That part of Virginia is all full of liberals, so I can only assume this is the kind of crime-ridden he'll hole that they want to live in. They should join liberal Maryland as a state and let us join the good part of Virginia. The Red Part!!

  16. They are TERRORIST !!! same as the rest ie Isis etc

    Military MUST take them out !!! Before they get YOU !!


  17. the parks in Wicomico may not have a lot of murders but what goes on in them is very disturbing. schumaker is homo central and the athletic complex is for spouse cheating

  18. People don't seem to understand that these gangs operate under a code that toatlly dismissive of law enforcement.
    Putting them on "probation" is a joke. Jailing them is an insult to taxpayers and only helps the criminal to make more connections and establish some street cred.
    Catch someone running a prostitution ring? Murdering a rival? Selling drugs?
    AND, they swam to the USA, or ran across the border?
    I won't say they should be taken into the tree line and have a bullet put in their head, but its a solution that will work better than 6 months probation. It's a solution that MS-13 would easily understand.
    And it's a solution that works for everyone involved, but ESPECIALLY Americans.
    Word would spead, trust me.


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