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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Never Forget


  1. A world without the "peaceful" Islam.

  2. Everything we ever needed to know about Muslims, we all learned on 911.

  3. in what sense are we "winning" the war on terror? All I see after September 11th, 2001 is an America turned into a ruthless police state, throwing away vast sums of money on airport security theater and 2 wars (Iraq and Afghanistan) that haven't done a damn thing for us here at home.

  4. Remember being able to walk through an airport WITHOUT an airplane ticket?

    Remember being in single trillion dollar debt?

    Yep yep yep...we'll never forget the bastards that started all this!

  5. 10:34 has a point. When you find rust, you don't paint over it. You fix it. Taking my shoes off at the airport doesn't make me feel any safer. How many middle-aged white men have caused terrorism in the world? Profiling is a much better way of finding them, not patting down grandmothers in wheelchairs!
    If you're going to catch fish - fish where the fish are. The way they're doing it, it's like trying to find a fish in a parking lot.
    I worked in the building on the left. Lost many friends that day. And today, we're no safer than we were then.
    Catch the damn towel-headed bastards and stop pussy-footing around the civil rights BS! IF they're not citizens, they have not rights!

  6. Remember who you are supporting every time you buy stuff from a Muslim shop owner! (Ocean City Boardwalk shops) hint, hint.

  7. These were really great to visit and I enjoyed many meals at the top in "Windows of the World" The setting and décor were simply outstanding. Hard to believe they are gone.

  8. The towers falling and the people jumping to their deaths needs to be used to remind the citizen of America just who President Trump is trying to keep out! Muslims are Killers! Muslims are Nuts! Muslims do not belong here in a Christian country!


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