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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Michael Moore Claims Trump's Rollback Begins 'Extinction of Human Life'

Filmmaker Michael Moore lashed out at President Donald Trump's easing of Obama administration energy regulations – asserting it will trigger the "extinction of human life."

Moore's dramatic declaration came in a tweet storm following Trump'sorder Tuesday rolling back regulations to curb carbon emissions.

Trump has called global warming a "hoax" invented by the Chinese, and has repeatedly criticized the power-plant rule as an attack on American workers and the U.S. coal industry.

"Historians in the near future will mark today, March 28, 2017, as the day the extinction of human life on earth began," Moore tweeted, adding the Environmental Protection Agency has been prevented from focusing on "climate change."



  1. I hope Moore is first one to go.

  2. Just a big mouthy slob...

  3. Well, if it ends up being the extinction of human life, I guess there will be no one to care, Mr Moore. And how is a historian going to document it, when we all are gone. How silly, who's going to read it? Does that man have a brain? Or does he believe that mindless people that read his drivel actually believe what he says?

  4. Historians in the near future will mark today, March 28, 2017, as just another day.

  5. Quit being such as Drama Queen!

  6. Let him and some more of the snowflakes support it with their voluntary contributions!!! Show us real it is to you.....


  7. Surprised he can wrap his pudgy fingers on a device connected to twitter.

    Waddle thru the drive-through again, Mikey!


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