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Saturday, March 04, 2017

Mexico launches $50 million effort in US to provide legal aid to immigrants who fear deportation

MIAMI (AP) — Not only is the Mexican government not building a wall; it’s spending $50 million to beef up its legal aid to migrants who fear deportation, a response to President Donald Trump’s crackdown on illegal immigration.

All 50 Mexican consulates in the U.S. on Friday launched legal assistance centers to form partnerships with nonprofit groups and tap lawyers to help those fearing Trump’s policies.

The diplomatic effort comes as the two countries are in a rift over Trump’s plans for a border wall. While Trump says Mexico will pay for it one way or another, Mexico says it won’t. It was also unveiled less than two weeks after new guidelines came out aimed at aggressively detaining and deporting immigrants by increasing the number of federal agents and strengthening cooperation with local law enforcement.



  1. And why don't they want their own people back ?? Probably due to them funneling money back to Mexico...hmmmmm

  2. If they can raise money to keep their degenerates here, then the can pay for the GD wall. They are going to take their criminals back whether or not they want them. Too bad. They're not ours and we're not keeping them. Keep it up Mexico and no one will ever build anything to be sold in the USA again!

  3. Uhmmm F$&&k You Mexico. Seems every political idiot just keeps trying to cram this nonsense down our throats. Seems to me that they will keep turning up the dial on the pressure cooker until there is blood running in the streets. Then what? Martial Law? UN? What?

  4. They don't want them there anymore than we want them here. This is because the Mexicans know that these illegal immigrants are actually murderers, theives and rapists. I believe our crime rate will Go Down significantly and our Wives and Daughters will be safe again once President Trump is able to clear our streets of these terrible people.

  5. As long as they are here they are sending money back into Mexico. About 22 Billion dollars is sent from the USA back into Mexico each year. Spending 50 million to save 22 Billion is nothing.

  6. Trump should send troops over their to confiscate that $50 million to help deport those illegal aliens and help to build that wall that they won't get over.


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