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Thursday, March 02, 2017

Men reveal warning signs that you're dating a 'princess'

A relationship with someone high maintenance can be exhausting - not to mention expensive when they always expect you to pick up the tab.

Now men have taken to Reddit to share the biggest 'I'm a princess' red flags to warn off their fellow daters.

From one man who was thrown out of the house for failing to bring home mashed potatoes from KFC to another whose ex asked him if he could settle her credit card, their accounts are hilarious and outrageous all at the same time.



  1. This is what happens when a guy only pays attention to the outward appearance.

  2. You always hear the complaint, "all men want is sex!" Well, sometimes that can be true, but women oftentimes want, in totality, everything else and the kitchen sink. Lately, I have been researching and reading about MGTOW, Men Going Their Own Way. Men realizing that having a woman in their lives is nearly unnecessary. That divorce more often than not, is extremely disadvantageous to the man, especially financially. Getting married is a risk, and that risk is the woman walking out and taking, taking, taking, when she wants to, or if the going gets tough. "Until death do us part" means nothing anymore. Lastly, how many men do you know who would remarry after their spouse dies, or they get divorced? How many secretly regret getting married? Or date for that matter?

  3. She is the former mayor of SBY.


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