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Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Me Neither


  1. I know. More media bias. The MSM makes it seem as if the protests are a normal part of our democracy. The libtards are upset that their team didn't win after being told that they would. Boo hoo..

    1. The anger you see isn't about Clinton losing, who cares about that. The problem is that Racist clown you voted for Representing the people

    2. Obama was and is the racist president we've ever has. Trump has said nothing racist. You're talking about the made up lies and half truths being spread by the left. Clinton said racist, xenophobic, homophobic etc etc it ended up sounding like blah blah blah. Just because you say those words do not make it true, it's just the democrats way of mudslinging and bullying and some idiots begin to believe it. Democrats aren't upset over Hillary either they're just pissed off they didn't win, now they have no puppet in the WH

  2. Yeah, 8:21, the "racist clown who at every rally attended by 10,000 or more shouted to everyone, "I love you" and "Thank You". How racist can you get!

    Oh, you mean the part where he wants to protect you and your community by keeping terrorists from entering your neighborhood illegally. Yeah, I get it.

  3. 8:21, you mean the one who was calling HALF the population crass names while looking down her nose at us?

    Oh, no, that was YOUR candidate...

  4. 8:21 You are very delusional if you think the anger isn't about Clinton losing! It is the Democrats that are racists and they have been showing their racism loud and clear!! Guess what? He is MY PRESIDENT and he is YOUR President! Why don't you stop bitching and crying about it and give the man a chance! That racist POS that just left office had 8 years and he didn't do $hit! People like you are the reason the Democrats lost and you are gonna keep on losing!! Hypocrites all of you!

  5. Look. I am Tired of the Democrats and Liberals working to destroy Our President. He is President of All of Us, and if you would just sit down and be quiet for a little while, you will see how his Plans and Policies will benefit All of Us, White, black, Asian, Hispanic. But you are just too immature to Give the Man a Chance, aren't you? I have No Doubt that history will look upon President Trump as one of the Best Presidents in American history who has erased the stain that Obummer has left on this Nation and our Constitution.

  6. 8:21 Please provide direct credible evidence when and where our new POTUS said anything racially offensive. Just simple provide a link or website that SHOWS him saying it. Not what someone else says he said, but right from his mouth or twitter feed. I seriously doubt it exists and the only reason you think it does is because you drink Koolaid. It affects your brain, or whatever's left of it. You think you saw it but you didn't.

  7. 8:21 is a sad little snowflake who can't get over the fact that His Candidate was a Terrible Candidate and LOST the election. Get over it, little boy, and let the adults get back to work now. If you just give President Trump a chance you will see what a Great Man he is and what a Great President he will turn out to to be. Don't let your Hate of Our President cloud your judgement!

  8. 11:25 AM, I hope you're not holding your breath waiting for a response from 8:21. The Liberal way is to poke it with a stick but not explain why.


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