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Saturday, March 04, 2017

Md. delegates OK paid sick leave

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — The Maryland House of Delegates has voted to require paid sick leave in Maryland.

The House voted 88-51 on Friday for the bill. The Senate is considering a similar bill.

The measure would require businesses with at least 15 employees to provide earned paid sick leave. Businesses with 14 or fewer employees would have to provide unpaid sick leave.



  1. Can't wait to call in. Hate my boss.

  2. Great. That POS owner from the other day will move his business to delmar and we will know how he is. He was too scared to post his business.

  3. Once again government dinking around with business which always leads to employees losing out. Great going Maryland. Keep up the socialism!

  4. this won't cost jobs. It only applies to the bigger business's here in Md. If you have fewer employees then 15 then it will not affect you. We need more legislation that will save jobs of those that have to go out on medical leave, as it is now they can find reason to fire you or let you go. Md is a at will state,for those that don't know what that means: you can leave your job and have to provide no explanation for doing so but on the other hand an employer can let you go without the same, no explanation. It left the door open for wrongful termination. Its good that they have voted yay on this but it won't do any good if your employer lets you go because you didn't return to work when they thought that you should. It should be up to your doctors to release you to return to work, and if they don't then your employer should have to save your job for you. At times the 12 week fmla is not enough time, it all depends on what your health issues are. or they should provide some type of short term disability after the paid 12 weeks. but in any case a employer should NOT be able to fire you in cases of health issues.


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