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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Maryland doctors win concessions on Hogan proposal to limit pain pill prescriptions

Maryland's doctors are on course to turn back Gov. Larry Hogan's plan to put strict limits on prescribing addictive opioid pain pills after securing major concessions Tuesday from a key House of Delegates panel.

The bill — proposed by Hogan to battle the state's heroin crisis — would have limited doctors and other medics to prescribing a seven-day supply of the pills when first treating a patient for pain, with a few exceptions. But a work group of delegates adopted an amended version of the bill that instead instructs medical professionals to follow best practices and give patients as few pills as they judge necessary.

The legislation wouldn't apply to patients getting treatment for an opioid addiction, who are in hospice care or who are suffering chronic pain.

The legislative panel also rejected an idea that would have allowed department officials to strip doctors of registrations needed to prescribe controlled drugs if they violated provisions of the bill. The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene said that provision would be critical to the success of the law, but it was strongly opposed by the state's medical society.



  1. Here we go AGAIN with Republican big pharmacy destroying the little guy for $

  2. Recently had surgery and had the RX
    oxycodone/ ---3 days in hospital,then
    home-- where pills were reduced from
    2 --5 mg. every 3hrs to 1- every 4 hrs. The
    pain was constant, and needless. I don't understand
    why a Dr. wouldn't at least keep
    you on that amt . for 14 days , especially
    when you have to do P/T. I've had
    several operations in the past, the
    Dr. kept me on them about 2 wks. & then
    cut down the amt. I had No problem coming
    off them . I think they're taking this
    a bit to far when it comes to people having

  3. My doctor(s) have treated me with chronic pain for years and I don't need the good governors assist.

  4. I heard from a nurse practitioner that a patient of hers was seen at PRMC for a broken arm and referred back to her for pain medication. The ER doc didn't want to be the one to prescribe the pain meds. That's cruel.

  5. 10:11 Grow a Pair!! I've had 4 major surgeries (2 with my chest cracked open)and after 24 hours, I took nothing but Tylenol and Advil!!

    Pain medications do need to be regulated. A National database established so that if you go to another pharmacy with a different doctors pain drug prescription, it will show that you are already on a narcotic.

    There are many effective non-narcotic pain medications that can be prescribed in place of narcotics.

  6. It's a proven, people experience
    pain differently 1:11pm not everyone
    is as fortunate as you.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    10:11 Grow a Pair!! I've had 4 major surgeries (2 with my chest cracked open)and after 24 hours, I took nothing but Tylenol and Advil!!

    Pain medications do need to be regulated. A National database established so that if you go to another pharmacy with a different doctors pain drug prescription, it will show that you are already on a narcotic.

    There are many effective non-narcotic pain medications that can be prescribed in place of narcotics.

    March 23, 2017 at 1:11 PM

    Everyone reacts to pain and pain medication differently. IF what you say about your operations is true, good for you. But expecting everyone else to have the same or similar reactions as yours is just nonsense. Frankly, I don't believe you but it really doesn't matter.

    And there are already measures in place that identify people and what medications they are on and prescribed. The days of doctor and pharmacy shopping are pretty much over.

    I'm not sure you have even experienced pain bad enough to need pain meds on a continuous basis. Or maybe you are a really tough guy.

    I really want to say 'no brain, no pain' here but that would be rude so I won't say it.

  8. Please pain medications aren't the problem, its the easiest way out for the retard hogan!! Try getting all fentynal laced heroin off the streets that's where their getting their statistics from. Government knows they are absolutely unable to stop the real problem so good old "curly" I mean governor hogan takes the easiest way out to make himself look relevant. A law abiding citizen can't legally pursue proper healthcare options but we can build micro breweries all over the state promoting alcohol abuse and addiction.


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