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Thursday, March 02, 2017

Making America Great Again


  1. Joe it's not even 6 am yet and I was just awoken by a Tweet from WMDT Channel 47. WTF! And it was an advertisement at that! At 5:58 am WMDT sent out this Tweet. This should be against the law sending tweets that early. I am going to delete them from my twitter account.

    47 ABC‏Verified account @47abc
    4m4 minutes ago

    #GMD We have the perfect place for you to try out for lunch today! Tune in now for this week's edition of Kitchen Insider.
    0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
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    1. Why don't you have your phone on vibrant or silent if you don't want your sleep interrupted... Plus it's a weekday, don't your work???

  2. 605, if you follow any MSM on twitter, you're a Twit.

    Just saying'...

  3. That sign is way too logical for libtards to understand.

  4. That is the difference between our President and the rest of Washington - he doesn't have to to do this job, he wants to do the job because he is a true American even with all the BS that is involved. God Bless him.

  5. Here's another spin on it. Trump, the man who loves to be the biggest name in the room takes another step towards always being in the spotlight and Americans are crazy enough to give him a shot.

  6. Trump has given up his life for us, like Jesus did.

  7. America AND the Demon-crats Will be Thanking Him later !!!

  8. I was just thinking that.
    He's got to be sincere in his desire to help America.
    Nobody but an idiot would set themselves up for such abuse and aggravation without such a genuine motive.
    Say what you want about Mr Trump, but he has clearly demonstrated that he is a smart, kind and generous man.
    He wouldn't do this just for ego.

  9. There are still a FEW good ones left in this world and

    He will prove ALL the critics Wrong ...they will eat their

    words !!! Just proves that sometimes GOOD GUYS Finish

    First / Not Last !!!

  10. He Not bought and paid for / like the rest

    He Not in it for the damn money / A FIRST !!!

    So he MUST be Honest and Really have GOOD Intentions !!!

    What other reason could he have , but to Make America Great

  11. Would y o u give up Your Billionaire Lifestyle ????

    Not Very many would >>> Think about that ..........

  12. He is 70 and wants to Help America Out with the little
    time he has left on this earth....Like One Should..Give Back

  13. The rest of the Rich Don't give back Like they Should !!!

    Give him CREDIT !!!

  14. He was never a billionaire. If he was he wouldn't claim bankruptcy over and over. The US banks stopped giving him money and he had to borrow it from the Russians. Investigate it yourself

  15. 12:19 pm - and this coming from a hundredaire (maybe)... Go crawl back into your hole, please. You really don't get it do ya?

  16. 12:19 You really should stop watching CNN. It really makes you look foolish 😂
    8:02 spoken like a true democrat! You people can't seem to see the writing on the wall. Democrats have destroyed our country and are now destroying themselves. It's great to watch it happen in real time and people crying like you makes it that much sweeter!!

  17. I truly believe that God Himself has given us Donald Trump. God is tired of the Liberal Direction this country has taken in the past eight years, and he has sent President Trump to us as a last chance to rescue Our Country for Good Americans and Patriots. Thank you, God. Thank you, President Trump. And Thank You, Joe, for giving us this Wonderful Forum where we can share our thoughts without too many liberals making a mess of things!


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