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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Major Obamacare enrollment group shuts down

Enroll America, created to spur enrollment in the Affordable Care Act, is closing up shop a day after Obamacare enrollment declined.

The group said Thursday that it is shutting down now because it accomplished its goal of enrolling millions of people in Obamacare. Enroll America coordinated state programs to boost enrollment.

Enroll America is leaving with Obamacare's future very much in doubt. The American Health Care Act, which advanced in a third committee vote Thursday, would repeal much of the law and partially replace it.


1 comment:

  1. What good is Obamacare if the premiums are too high to afford and then if you do pay it the deductible is so high you never get to use it. I never bought into Obamacare but I looked at it as an option. What I found was high premiums I could not afford. And when I looked at the deductibles I almost fainted. For a plan for me and my wife they had a deductible of $5000.00. I said to my wife if we have to pay five thousand dollars before our insurance kicks in we might as well not have it at all. Because we would never even meet the deductible in a year. So Obama just wanted our premiums to pay for Obamacare and then we would never use it or cost them a penny. Sounds to me like the Democrats are lying again when they say millions will lose their insurance. Because if my eyes don't deceive me they don't have insurance now even if they are paying a premium for Obamacare because they will never meet the deductible. They might as well be uninsured would probably make out better because they wouldn't be paying for insurance they can never use.


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