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Monday, March 13, 2017

Magazine Editor Dies In DC After Getting Hit By Bicycle

The senior editor of the magazine Kiplinger’s Personal Finance was hit and killed by a bicycle late Thursday in Washington, D.C.

Jane Bennett Clark, 65, was struck when she stepped into the crosswalk just off the southwest curb at 13th and I streets NW. She hailed from Takoma Park, Md.

As soon as the bicycle struck Clark, she fell and the bicyclist remained on the scene and waited for police to arrive, The Washington Post reports.

Unfortunately, although Clark was whisked away to the hospital, she succumbed to her injuries Friday.



  1. Those bike jerks never stop at stop signs or light but want everyone in a car to yield to them.

  2. My grandfather gave me two sound pieces of advice. 1) Nothing good ever happens after midnight and 2) no decent person has ever lived in Takoma Park.

  3. Most of the time the pedestrians don't look and walk out into the path of a cyclist see it in OC all the time.

  4. 8:32 PM thats because in the real world there are not bikes at every turn. Which is why it is also the bikers responsibility to be aware. How many bikes are you dodging during your day?

  5. I ride a bike in OC and most of the time there is bikes on the bike paths.

  6. damn shame it wasn't the editor of WaPo!!


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