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Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Limbaugh: We’re Watching a Silent Coup Put in Place By Obama and the Democrats

Friday on his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh argued there was a “silent coup” underway against President Donald Trump.

Limbaugh accused former President Barack Obama of putting it in place before leaving office and said that it is currently being executed. He pointed to the ginned-up controversy of Attorney General Jeff Sessions associations with the Russian government and U.S. Senate Democrats slow-walking Trump’s cabinet appointees.

“I’m not taking anything away from what I said yesterday,” he said. “I’m adding to it. We’re watching a silent coup that was put in place by Obama and the Democrats during the transition and before and after the election.”

More here


  1. It is truly revolting what Obummer is trying to do to our country. He failed to destroy us during his so-called presidency, and so he is continuing to try from outside the White House. Obummer is a traitor and I refuse to write his name properly because to do so would be to legitimize his time in the White House. He is a hateful man. Most DemonRATS are hateful people, and they simply do not want to give President Trump his Rightful Opportunity because of their Blind Hatred for him. I would advise them to read a newspaper or something and Realize that Trump is Our President for the next eight years!

  2. I am so appalled at the reaction of the Democratic Party and Mr. Obama. I am 59 years old and I know a lot of people who have not been happy with the person elected President but to be witness to the current path is a travesty to the American people. What a shame that our younger generations are growing up witnessing all of this! Mr. Obama and the Democratic Party should be ashamed that they feel it 'necessary' to be a 'thorn in the side' of current President Trump. I never would have believed that this kind or type behavior would have ever occurred in the U.S.A. Our forefathers are rolling in their graves. This behavior should be stopped at once. It's a shame that the people behind this behavior can't be exiled from our country.

  3. GIMME SOME FACTS FOLKS....I'm literally on the edge of my seat waiting for facts.

    1. You need to open your eyes while you're sitting there. Smdh

  4. 1:45 If you can't tell what is going on then you are truly a lost soul. You must be a Democrat or deaf, dumb or blind. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to look at the things reported on the news every single day and not realize what's happening.

  5. Obama is a liar, criminal, coward and a TRAITOR. This wannabe kenyan king needs to be eradicated by any and all means ASAP. He, and his entire family, are the perfect examples of human trash!!!! He has been rated as the worst president ever and a total failure as a black boy!!!!!!


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