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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Liberals reach new low with rabid anti-Trump publicity stunt

Left-wing rhetoric has reached an all-time low with this latest show of hatred for the President of the United States.

It’s okay to disagree with the President, because we all do it from time to time. But to compare him to Hitler in an attempt to delegitimize him? That’s just pathetic and terribly divisive. It doesn’t do anything to further your agenda or win people over to your side.

The Phoenix billboard features a picture of President Trump surrounded by mushroom clouds and dollar signs that are made to look like swastikas. On his jacket he’s also wearing a Russian flag lapel pin.

The woman who owns the land under the offensive billboard, Beatrice Moore, paid a California artist to create the disturbing piece. She claims that it is her way of “standing up” to Trump’s “disturbing policies” and plans to leave the sign up for the next four years.

Karen Fiorito is a liberal business owner and is currently paying for the billboard, stating that she feels like “a lot of people are feeling this way.”

Not unless they’re mentally disturbed, honey.



  1. Liberalism is a MENTAL disorder.

  2. Clearly this was done by EVERY left winged liberal. Every. Single. One.

  3. It made me sick when the Right called Obama Hitler. It makes me sick when the Left calls Trump Hitler.

    Hitler was Hitler, dammit. Both sides need to quit slinging him around, if for no other reason than out of respect for the millions of people he exterminated--Jews, Roma, gays, Polish, and on and on. And don't do the same with Stalin, another murderer of millions.

    Just stop it!

  4. If you think the left will ever stop I implore you to not hold your breath because you will die. They clearly are mentally ill. I have tried to talk to these clowns. Even when they actually agree with us they will refuse to let themselves agree. SICK! SICK! SICK!

  5. Dumbocrats are the party of hate and intolerance

  6. This is disgusting and the sick individual responsible for it should be in prison! Look, I believe in Free Speech that this so-called artist is relying on, but there are limits to Free Speech. You cannot, for example, yell fire in a crowded theatre without ending up in trouble with the Police. This billboard is a crime against President Trump, and I for one hope that he sues the so-called artist who "created" it. What filth this country is producing!

  7. Didn't someone once put one up about Obama and the left and left Wing Nut media freaked out and they were forced to take it down?


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