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Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Leave that Alabama drive-in alone

When the owner of a drive-in movie theater located in the 2,300-person town of Henagar, Alabama, took to their business's Facebook page Thursday night, it's doubtful they expected to attract the attention of the national media.

But that is the world in which we live.

Earlier in the week, Beauty & the Beast director Bill Condon revealed that the forthcoming film would feature Disney's first gay character, previewing an "exclusively gay moment" for moviegoers. This drove media outlets to trumpet the decision as "historic" and "truly groundbreaking."

In response, the Henagar Drive-In Theater posted a note on Facebook respectfully informing patrons of its decision not to screen the movie. It was the kind of post that would not have been worthy of so much as a double take just ten years ago. But in 2017, it earned coverage in Entertainment Weekly, Time, Cosmopolitan, Variety, the Hollywood Reporter, Marie Claire and more, all in less than 24 hours.



  1. Ah a good drive-in. Miss those days. Hmmm, looks like the car on the left side of the picture has the right idea (fogged back window).

    3 DAYS UNTIL TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Who is the wise arse inviting old man winter in for this coming weekend??? Brrrrrrrr WAS THAT YOU JOE????????


  2. "Historic" and "groundbreaking" don't always describe things that are good for everyone.

  3. Great decision from the owner.

  4. Good for them!!!!!

  5. It is disgusting the way Liberals always want to force their views on others, either by this gay movie or by trying to shame the Good Christian owner of this theater. They are simply not happy people, and they will continue to try to bring This Country down if we Let Them.

  6. Why does Hollywood have to 'gay' things? What was wrong with he original 'straight' theme.
    I'm sick of turning on the TV and (it seems) that every sitcom or drama has at least one gay episode. I get it. They want us all to understand them.
    But why can't Hollywood understand that not all of their viewers are turned on by gay themes.
    Didn't this election tell them anything???


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