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Sunday, March 12, 2017

Keeps Your Kids Indoors This Afternoon As The Squirrels & Nuts Take Over Pemberton Park

In celebration of International Women's Day/A Day Without A Woman the Salisbury Misfits will be hosting a picnic in the park from 3-5pm

Only 2 requirements for attendance:
1. Bring a snack or food dish to share (chips, drinks, baked goods, salad dish etc.)
2. Bring at least $1 to donate to Planned Parenthood

*please don't leave any trash or liter since it's a public park and family place
*dress according to the weather
*if it rains a backup location will be announced the day before/morning of

Hope to see any of you who can participate there!


  1. My woman will be working so she can help raise our family because she is an awesome mother and a awesome wife. And to all tbe other awesome women out their who will not be participating in this nonsense of division thank you for being the AWSOME women you are.

    1. Thank you from another who won't be going because working and family are more important.

    2. 4:52 My woman? 🙄🙄🙄

  2. Today i will be suporting a day with a real president and I will be attending to work and a wonderful dinner with my faimly.

  3. Doesn't anyone work for a living ?

  4. Fire all of them!!!! Oh yeah, assuming the are employed.

  5. It's a self-help group. Those who attend are, by default, in need of help.

  6. Maybe she should write in German- her English sucks. Liter or litter. I'm embarrassed for millienials and college grads from real schools. I'm a millienial but work and raise a family (closer to Gen X). But come on! Get out of mommy and daddy's basement!

  7. People with zero responsibility protesting what ? LOL... We the tax payers that fund the lives of these misfits should protest we could call it "a day without food" because if we don't work they don't eat.

  8. International Women's Day/A Day Without A Woman ????

    I'm betting that the majority that choose to attend aren't Women at all but female KIDDIES who have no other responsibilities. Fire them? Hell! They don't work...some may have 'jobs' but they don't work!

    Maybe the children can get together today, have a good time and come up with a coherent platform regarding just what on earth they are protesting....I, for one, am interested in seeing that defined.

  9. How about having a day without whiny SJW weirdos. It would be nice to be able to turn on the t.v. or go online and not have to see them.

  10. I wish you would use the clown photo of Boy Jimmy. The photo of this child gives me the, I don't know what's. This female could not be there even if I wanted. Headed out to work now and will still be working 3-5.

  11. As author William Powers notes, “When a crowd adopts a point of view en masse, all critical thinking stops.”

    And I believe this applies

  12. I'm so thankful that when my kids turn 40 I could move into there house instead of them still living in mine. Not that I'd need it but it's nice to know that they could help Mom and dad if it came down to it

  13. It's one thing to protest but doing it by not going to your job just is more proof that these losers don't think they have any responsibility for anything. Molly is and will be nothing but a losers her whole pathetic mise4rable life. Her parents should be ashamed over what they raised. A low self esteem loser who has to LIE about where she works to make herself feel better and encourages others to shirk their responsibility.

  14. 6:38AM
    Could 'liter' be German for litter?


  15. Why meet at a park. Why doesn't Molly host this event at her home. Scared a stranger might steal something since you don't know all the people attending? Yeah that is how we feel about the borders being left open like you want them to be. Maybe her mommy won't let her have friends over.

  16. Hmmmm snowflakes still don't get it!!! Fire them....bunch of morons!!!

  17. I feel for the moms and dads, especially single-parents and low-income folk, in the districts which have closed school. Those people can ill-afford an unpaid day off. And some will be fired. Others, faced with the prospect of losing a day's pay or even their job, will leave their kids unsupervised.

    This really wasn't though out.

  18. At her home? What home?

  19. It's a Day Without SOME Women. Don't drag the rest of us in with you.

    1. Women with responsibility continue, aimless kids have time for this foolishness. Thank you, I am sure your family relies on you, thereby the rest of our community benefits from your truly productive efforts.

  20. @7:49 Totally Agree! I'll be working where I am needed and respected.

  21. Example of a liberal education and a failed public school system.

  22. Not dragging women down 7:49...just the foolish kiddies doing this. Big respect to the real WOMEN of the world!

  23. How about we organize a 'Regular Ass White Guy Day'? Just for the rest of us?

    1. 8:04. You have that everyday of the year!!

    2. 8:04 That's funny cause it's not the regular ass white guy that I see walking through Salisbury with nothing else to do during a normal work day🙄

  24. It would be really nice to never see that photo again,but something tells me you'll keep posting it.You will ultimately be responsible for her success.

  25. I say let's have a "Basket of Deplorables Day" Except what venue would hold over half our population? Too bad it would crash our economy to do it!

    Let the children have their little picnic. Maybe they will grow up and become adults someday.

  26. Uh Oh...Molly...when you finally get up you might notice it is raining. Rain melts 'snow..flakes'. Not to worry though, National Weather Service predicts snow showers for Sunday Morning.

  27. ...and please don't liter (sic) Pemberton Park German Club Vice President

  28. Soros funded event to the tune of $42 million dollars nationwide.

  29. Al Bundy. NoMaam

  30. Every parent should have contingency plans in place for unexpected school closings. The schools are not there for your daily convenience. It could be a water main break, weather-related, road conditions, too hot, etc. - anything goes in this county to close a school.

    In all honesty, it's a tough call. Can't deny them earned PTO. They CAN call in sick, and all plans allow for non-doctor's note absences. I can guarantee you there are not enough subs to cover classrooms and not enough teacher candidates to replace them if they got fired. We'll see what the fallout is at the end of the year.

    So...you can be 'inconvenienced' for a day, or keep screaming "fire them" and shut the schools down indefinitely.

    I am female, and a single parent. I do not support this 'event'. Where do you draw the line? What's next...a day without Y chromosomes? a day without doctors? Nurses?

    They have the right to exercise their rights, but I feel they could have set a better example in the classroom by modeling commitment to their students. Recognize the day by teaching a lesson on what our world would be like without inventions made by women.

  31. Try a "day without a man" LOL! The world would shut down.

    1. 9:06 Not my world. I bet you do so much at home. Who cleans your house, cooks your meals, does your laundry?

  32. I've asked my wife to honor this day by making it "A Day Without Women" right here in our home.
    No talking; no nagging me to get my to-do list done; no chick-flicks on the tube all day.
    This could work.
    Maybe make it a weekly protest...

  33. This begs the question, "WWLSD"?

  34. So what we really need to show all these buffons what really MATTERS Is a delporable white privilage day. Want to talk about impact to the economy!!

  35. Let them protest while they can. Soon under sharia law there will be 3 bus loads of immigrant muslum men with sacks of rocks to stone with.

  36. Joe allows some "rednecks" I guess, how is that defined? As people with opposing views???

  37. For goodness sake just let them have their picnic, don't any of you have anything better to do than worry about people gathering for their cause? It's America, not everyone is the same. Time to get used to it.

  38. 9:00 AM Very good point

  39. 9:00 AM.
    My daughter is an ER Nurse, she is working and so are all of the others scheduled today...male and female. This is so much a non-event! Molly, go back to bed

  40. Gonna rain Molly!!!

  41. 9:00 AM - be sure to check out the photos of all the attendees. If you're an employer and one of your employees who attends took a sick day to do it, there should be some explaining to do.

  42. Covered dish? Women will always assume their proper role. Lmao. Fools escaping reality only to return.

  43. Hey 720 when my kids are 40, I'll be 70 and still eager to chase my wife around naked in MY house. You see, it'll only be 14 years since THEY left MY house (considering 26 is the magic health insurance number).

    The thought of living with THEM - well, hasn't hit my radar and if I'm as "busy" as I plan to be in my 70's...it truly don't think it'll be then either!

    HAPPY "HUMP" DAY EVERYBODY! Don't forget your waiters or waitresses when out on the town!!!! They make practically nothing, but yet serve you!

    1. 26 is to fn high it Needs to end at 23.

  44. Hey, MS 10:09AM...I go to work too!

  45. 9:59 AM
    :) And a 'covered dish"/snack could include chips and sodas...don't want to stress any of these kids!!

  46. Another reason to find a better college than SU.

  47. Careful Kiddos, the sun is shining....melting in progress!

  48. Will the women go back to work tomorrow to pink slips to match their pink moniker? They should! Want to be treated like equals then act like one!

  49. UMES 34% grad rate
    SU 80% grad rate

    1. Why is a so called college allowed to recieve fed funds from tax payers at a rate of 34% they should recieve ZERO.

  50. Any update on crowd #s that showed im guessing another flop

  51. 4:52 AM - YOUR woman? So she can help raise the family?? A bit chauvinistic, don't you think? What are YOU doing to help raise the family? Sitting home?? I'll bet YOUR woman will have to make dinner and whatever else when she gets home too. I feel sorry for her.

  52. I would go to work but my back has been hurting for the last 27 years

  53. OMG! hopefully this disgusting photo will one day be put on the back burner.

  54. Common Sense with your CoffeeMarch 12, 2017 at 10:30 AM

    Molly is a walking, breathing example of how rearing and our education system has failed so many of this snowflake generation. She pimps for a religion that would enslave and kill her for her sexuality. She promotes a candidate that is financed by those who subscribe to said religion and sells off America for parts like a chop shop by the Holland Tunnel. She is the epitome of liberal education that teaches liberalism as if it were facts and not theory. She hasn't learned to discern anything and lacks basic self-help skills. If you want to see what all the liberalism throughout our country has done, take a good look at the poster child we're blessed to have in our local environment. She claims she's an activist. For what? Does she even know? Probably not.

  55. Looks to me like a $50,000 public school college education down the drain.

  56. Yes, 5:07 PM, mostly paid for by the taxpayers, no doubt.

  57. Are we sure she didnt graduate from the 34% grad rate UMES ?

  58. Joe
    Please do a story on why tax payers are funding a thug S..T Hole the UMES at a graduation rate of 34% ? these So Called schools should recieve ZERO If there grad rate is Below 70 ?.


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