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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Judges Inventing New Reasons to Obstruct Donald Trump’s Popular Immigration Reforms

A federal judge in Hawaii says Muslims in America are unfairly and illegally discriminated against by Donald Trump’s effort to curb the immigration of violent Muslim refugees from war-torn Muslim countries.

Another judge in Wisconsin says a Syrian who recently was given asylum — and who is not even a citizen — has the right to ask a fellow judge for visas to fly his relatives into the United States, regardless of opposition from the U.S. government’s border, police and intelligence, and immigration agencies.

Three California judges and a judge in Washington State say the President’s sole right and solemn duty to guard the borders ends when a state suffers financial harm because its universities can’t import more fee-paying customers from restricted countries.

These left-wing judges are competing with each other to throw invented legalistic roadblocks in front of Trump’s legal and proper defense of the nation’s borders, said Hans Von Spakovsky, a former lawyer at the Department of Justice who is now working for the Heritage Foundation.



  1. At this point, he needs to just ignore them and press on.
    They don't have the authority to overrule him in this.

  2. Each of these judges are acting on a political agenda and not according to the Constitution which they took an oath to uphold. They must be taken down and fired, period.

  3. They too will be judged one day.

  4. This reversal will be overcome in short order.


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