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Monday, March 06, 2017

It's a crime for Americans to freely sell our raw milk, yogurt, and cheese to our friends and neighbors

President Trump has promised to reduce government regulations...for businesses.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

The U.S. is going to substantialy reduce taxes and regulations on businesses...

mrs_horseman isn't a business, but she does do a great job of keeping our household stocked with fresh yogurt made with raw milk from our family cow.

It is really nice to know exactly what is in the food we eat, and fresh is oh-so much more delicious.

Too bad you cannot have any. Not unless you can afford to farm strictly as a hobby for your own consumption.

Big corporate food and ag interests have made it a crime for Americans to freely sell our raw milk, yogurt, and cheese to our friends and neighbors. Their products must have a long shelf life, and so they simply cannot compete with fresh. Therefore these big businesses pay our "elected representatives" to pass state and federal regulations, for your protection, but really to protect their corporate donors' businesses.



  1. And when you get Salmonella/Listeria don't use any government money to seek treatment :)

  2. To undo 150 years of public health advances just so a minority fringe can have raw, unmonitored dairy products is a step away from, not towards, a more civilized society.

  3. Both comments are as stupid as saying raising your own chickens and eating them or their eggs is dangerous. 1,000's of years people have been drinking milk from the source. Today's girl have breasts at 10-11 years old from the hormones in that "safe" store bought milk.

  4. 1059 you are deficient in reasoning and science. What people do with their own agricultural products is their business. The rest of us expect civil government to assure the safety of our food based upon sound science and policy. It's called civil order and if you don't want it, go for it. Just dont expect us to follow you into blissful ignorance and ill health. I have a graduate degree in public health to back me. What are your credentials?

  5. There is a VERY good reason that government controlled milk distribution is best for society. It's a process called pasteurization, a process that helps prevent and disease and illness in humans. Drinking raw milk is as stupid as eating raw chicken and uncooked eggs.

  6. 11:44 MS in Safety Management. These people are not selling raw milk products to the public as in the traditional sense of a retail store. No one is advocating that Walmart sell raw milk. People that want to avoid hormone laden and GMO food products seek out these products. They should have the right to decide what they choose to eat. Let me guess, you are against eating raw oysters, clams and sushi too.

  7. 254, I like them all. Well not raw clams. I am all for non-GMO, additive free, natural (which has no uniform definition) products for whoever wants to raise, sell, or buy them. Just so someone besides the seller, who has a conflict of interest, is not the only one declaring them safe.

  8. The Amish in PA have been drinking raw milk and making dairy products without any problems for decades.


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