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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Immigration, safety worry Md. parents, residents after school rape

WASHINGTON — Rockville High School parents and residents in Maryland remain angry and unsatisfied after meeting with school officials and Montgomery County police Tuesday night, several days after the rape of a 14-year-old girl in a school bathroom.

The meeting was closed to media, but afterward, those who attended shared their concerns with reporters. On Tuesday evening, the school system posted a video the meeting on its YouTube channel.

“I’m not satisfied,” said Elizabeth Plum, who doesn’t have a child in the school. She said that while the session was “pretty sedate,” she took issue with some of the answers from school officials.

“They were asked specifically whether they would admit students with criminal records and the answer is ‘yes.’ And would they be monitored? The answer is well, if they had a probation officer, maybe, or if they had an ankle bracelet, maybe,” she said.

“So in other words, the school apparently doesn’t take any responsibility, even if they know the student has a criminal record.”



  1. Liberals have their head in the sand when it comes to facts and actual news.

  2. Liberalism is a MENTAL disorder.


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