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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Illegal Alien With Long Rap Sheet Says It’s Unfair Trump is Deporting Him

If I hear the word “unfair” pass the lips of someone who has broken American laws, I’m going to throw a tantrum. You know what’s unfair? Sneaking into the United States illegally while there are masses of people who are waiting in line and doing it the right way.

But no, go ahead and complain that the President is finally enforcing our laws because you might actually have to pay for what you did.

From New York Daily News:

When Floyel Stapleton appeared in Manhattan Criminal Court for a routine hearing in his misdemeanor assault case, he was stunned to be met by federal immigration agents as he left the courtroom.

“I didn’t know they were there. They were in plain clothes. They had no badges and they arrested me when I was walking out of the courtroom. They just asked my name and they arrested me,” Stapleton, 39, who is from the Caribbean island of Nevis, told the Daily News from an immigration detention center in Hudson County.

“They are trying to deport me…The situation sucks.”



  1. If you're an illegal (a crime) with a rap sheet of other criminal activities, you should be on edge every second that you remain in this country!

    It really sucks for the legal residents adn citizens that we have to put up with you being here and consuming our resources!

  2. I'm sorry Floyel, did you say something?
    Huh - still can't hear you. Probably because you are here ILLEGALLY, therefore you DO NOT EXIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    The situation may indeed suck - but you SUCK for being here ILLEGALLY!

  3. If you went to England or Australia and behaved badly they would toss you out on your ear.we should be doing the same.

  4. 11,000 people live in Nevis. There were 24 murders in 2016. Beautiful place, not so beautiful crime rates. Send him back and he'll blend in just fine, unless he's been hiding out here to avoid being found by police, someone he owes or another criminal he's crossed, in which cases he'll be another murder statistic soon enough. Yeah, that sucks.

  5. Of those 24 2016 murders, 24 are unsolved.

  6. Give me a call from Nevis. Or better yet, don't bother, just get out of this country

  7. Alexander Hamilton was born in Nevis, too. He got involved in a gunfight but, unfortunately, he lost.

  8. It is unfair that he is being deported. He should be shot or hung for his crimes. Harsh punishment is the only deterrence for fighting crime.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Of those 24 2016 murders, 24 are unsolved.

    March 30, 2017 at 3:53 PM

    WTH did you just say??

  10. You people keep saying "deport him, deport him."

    Guess what, every illegal alien you deport finds their way back into our country and they are back to commit more crimes and many times it is MURDER!! We have to do something to make them pay for their crimes and I mean serious punishment.


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