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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

ICE arrests father of Rockville High School rape suspect, both undocumented immigrants

ROCKVILLE, Md. (ABC7) - U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents have arrested the father of one of the two Rockville High School students accused of raping a 14-year-old girl in a school bathroom.

Montgomery County Police arrested Henry Sanchez-Milian, 18, a citizen of Guatemala, on Thursday, March 16, and charged him with a number of crimes, including first degree rape. Sanchez-Milian was living with his father in an Aspen Hill apartment along Bel Pre Road at the time of his arrest.

Following extensive media coverage and outrage from the community, ICE agents took Adolfo Sanchez-Reyes, 43, also a citizen of Guatemala into custody on Friday, March 24. ICE tells ABC7 News that like his son, Sanchez-Reyes was not living in the U.S. legally.



  1. It took over a week of national outrage to do this??? What is the matter with these people?

  2. WOW! Two 'Dreamers' in the same household. Have them help build The Wall.

    1. Cnn aint covering it bc there FAKE SNOWFLAKE NEWS.

  3. Call your Senators and urge them to vote no on SB835 Md law enforcement Govermental trust act making Md a sanctuary State.

  4. Oops. Karma. Gets 'em every time. 🙈🙉🙊

  5. I still haven't heard what Liberal Jim's position is on this - has anybody?

  6. Great Ya see Trump is putting families back together not breaking them apart.

    1. Trump won and will win again. Troll all you want but we have a Great President in office for a long time. More then likely in 8 years Avanka will run and WIN she will be the first female president. Then she will WIN again. You need to accept Trumps Will be in the White House for the next 16 YEARS. I will ALWAYS vote Trump. Thank you.

  7. Don't deport them, hang them and bury this trash!!!!!!!!! Justice must be satisfied!!!!!!!!

  8. "both undocumented immigrants"

    NO!! They are freaking ILLEGAL ALIENS!


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