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Friday, March 17, 2017

Hogan blasts ‘disgraceful’ treatment of nominees

ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan says his nominees for top-level jobs aren’t getting a fair shake in the Maryland General Assembly.

In a news conference Wednesday where Hogan gave a progress report of his legislative agenda, the governor complained that his nominee for the Department of Planning had been mistreated by the Senate’s executive nominations committee.

Hogan called the hearing process for Wendi Peters “disgraceful” and said she was questioned in a “demeaning, sexist way.”

Peters’ nomination was rejected by the committee, whose members found her unqualified for the job.



  1. Too bad they didn't find William Pallozzi unqualified to be head of the Maryland State Police. He is so far in over his head it is ridiculous. Every single Trooper knows it to be a fact.

  2. Dave T: Can't pity you Larry when you side with Democrats half the time and you're supposed to be representing conservatives! Maybe now you'll learn the radical left cannibalizes their own, has no respect for the constitution or humanity, and manipulates people for the benefit of their own ideology which leaves nothing good for the American people.


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