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Friday, March 10, 2017

Has He Lost It? Bill Clinton: "We have to find a way to bring simple, personal decency and trust back to our politics"

Apparently former president Bill Clinton has completely lost his mind and has no idea who or where he is.
In his first public speaking engagement since his wife lost the election, Clinton found it within himself while delivering the keynote at an event hosted by the Brookings Institution to say, “We have to find a way to bring simple, personal decency and trust back to our politics.”
"We have to find a way to bring simple, personal decency and trust back to our politics," Bill Clinton says at Brookings
Um… yeah.
So that happened.

Take it away, Twitterverse.


  1. That's thie thing with adulterers they don't think that they did anything wrong. They feel justified in their actions. He thinks he is a decent person.

  2. He can start by keep the wife home!

  3. He can start by shutting his mouth and just going away!


  4. This is laughably stupid, coming from the king of "The Politics of Personal Destruction"

  5. do as I say........


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