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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Hannity on Maryland high school rape: 'We're not protecting the American people'

Fox News' Sean Hannity opened Tuesday night's edition of "Hannity" with a monologue about illegal immigrant crime amid an uproar over the alleged rape of a 14-year-old Maryland girl by two Central American suspects, at least one of whom was in the U.S. illegally.


"[The victim of] this terrible crime is just the latest in a long list of Americans who are victims because of illegal immigration," said Hannity, who referenced the 2015 shooting of Kate Steinle in San Francisco.

"We’re not protecting the American people," Hannity said. "[And] these high-profile incidents, well, it’s only the tip of the iceberg."

According to Hannity, "36.6 percent of all federal sentences [in 2015] were given to illegal aliens, including convictions for drug trafficking, kidnapping and, yes, murder ... Between 2013 and 2015, despite the dangers we just showed you, the Obama administration released 86,288 criminal illegal aliens right back into the general U.S. population."

Referencing President Donald Trump's now-infamous comments about Mexican immigrants at the outset of his presidential campaign, Hannity said that Trump "is right [and] was right. We can never forget those whose lives were destroyed by illegal immigrants."



  1. Montgomery County chose to place ADULT students in the classrooms of CHILDREN so they could satisfy their (wet) dreams. They even give themselves kudos for doing it.

  2. Just more reasons to get behind Trump and build that wall and keep the criminals out of the U.S. Just goes to show that Trump is right in trying to ban people from places that breed and train terrorists. Besides it was a temporary ban until they were better vetted to enter the U.S. Sounds like a good way to protect Americans if you ask me.


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