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Friday, March 10, 2017

Great grandmother says she was repeatedly punched in Walmart bread aisle

ATLANTA - A great-grandmother is recovering after she said she was hit in the face several times by a shopper inside a Walmart store.

“I thought I was safe. I’m in Walmart,” the woman, who asked not to be named, told Channel 2’s Matt Johnson.

She said her bruises still sting a day after, according to her, a woman punched her in the face repeatedly while she was in the bread aisle of the Atlanta-area store.



  1. I told her ... I tried to tell her... those are MY Potato Rolls woman. But no. she wouldn't listen. see ? see what that got you ? now look at you ...

  2. Was this on women's day or the day after?

  3. Walmart has a high concentration of weird people inside their stores, including their workers.

  4. In Atlanta? I'm sure a minority is involved!

  5. If this was my grandmother and a certain race did that to her there would be Hell to pay......

    1. It shouldn't matter what race it was, the perform was wrong for assaulting the grandmother. Stop bringing race into everything.

  6. Geesh. Let her have the bread already.

  7. Some of these comments are uncalled for. A aged female entered a grocery store and had the dickens smacked out of her and this is all you have. A person should be able to leave home and return without having some coward put hands on her.


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