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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Globalists Freak Out Over Trump's Proposed UN Cuts

Elites fear Trump will destroy globalist UN

President Donald Trump’s proposed cuts to the United Nations will “completely destabilize” the world, a senior EU official claims.

The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Frederica Mogherini, freaked out over Trump’s budget proposal, which calls on the State Department to reduce America’s contributions to the United Nations by 50%.

“If the United States were to reduce significantly its investment, be it on humanitarian development aid, peace and security operations, the world and certain regions of the world would get completely destabilized,” she said on Monday.



  1. If the globalist are against it, I am for it. Their leaders include Obama, Clintons, Soros and Buffett. Let Trump cut baby cut.

  2. Good defund the whole satanic enclave of demons

  3. Get the UN out of the UN building in New York, then because it would probably be impossible to fumigate all of the infestations the scum that have occupied that building have brought in, so knock it down and build a new building where we can put ICE headquarters

  4. Let Europe pick up the slack.

  5. Better them than US getting destabilized! GO TRUMP!

  6. Trump is draining the swamp slowly and democrats are trying every thing. He has been under dog since he put his name in and still is. Donald Trump is my hero. Keep up the good fight.

  7. Why don't we just move the United Nations to another country

  8. Baloney. It will just mean smaller kickbacks.

  9. Like stray cats, if you stop feeding them they move on to the next sucker.You dont have to lift a finger to get rid of them.

  10. why is it the world hates the US but likes our money

  11. Screw the Foreigners! Americans first! If after we are all doing fine and then if there is any money left over, we need to fix our roads up.
    No more free ride or free food for freeloading Foreigners!

  12. 8:22 is one hundred percent correct, and we should take our money and tell the rest of the world to pound sand. Look, if we're paying the bills, we get to make the rules, and the so-called United Nations simply takes too much power out of American hands. I know Liberals will disagree, but the United States is a nation created by God to be the best nation in the world, and everyone else needs to get used to that, for President Trump is going to return us to our proper position, with or without the corrupt, failing UN.

  13. I would like Pres Trump to bulldoze the un and develop the real estate

  14. Just like the liberals who complain about rich people "not paying their fair share"' , maybe those countries need to step up and pay THEIR fair share. Benevolence can only last so long.

  15. 1115 is right, turn it into a carwash or popeyes

  16. Words and communication OR war.
    You idiots pick

  17. How many TRILLION are we (USA) in debt? Ok then, whats the problem?

  18. the democratic politicians in office are more concerned with winning votes in the next election than passing legislation that is for the betterment of all U.S. CITIZENS take the money from the U.N. and spend it to feed and cloth the children in this country get rid of the welare fraud in this country and put the able bodied to work and our dept ceiling will decline i feel for those who post comments on here anonymously they must be very insecure or living off of the system my thoughts

  19. Raise it. Raise everything you can. Every year make it more expensive to come and stay in OC. When you finally get to a high enough level, the poorer riff raff will not be able to afford to come here.

    Then we can just bleed the richer riff raff. Maybe even a toll on the exits. Make them pay to come here, pay to stay here and pay to leave. Sounds like a win win to me.

    And don't forget to give all your service workers a hefty raise. And buy new equipment every 2-3 years. Have to look professional.


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