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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Former Hubbard mayor admits to raping 4-year-old


  1. Did the family member really say "people have feelings, he has a family"..? Really??
    What about the feelings of the 4 year old and her family you pos. Best result we can hope for here is this piece of garbage getting a$$ raped with a broomstick then murdered in prison.

  2. What possesses people to do things like this; what are they thinking leading up to the act?

  3. He may as well eat the gun. There's no future for him or his family.

  4. i would be glad to put a bullet in his head we need to bring back old time justice from the 1800's

  5. castration, humiliation then death - IN PRISON on live TV!

    1. Yes!! Pay Per View with all the proceeds going to the victims families.

  6. 12:57 what you said is exactly what will happen,I just hope it doesn't happen too quickly he needs to suffer many attacks.

  7. Public stoning and discarding via burning would save the taxpayers money

  8. I worked at a prison. And it would surprise me if he is not in ad-seg a cell by himself only gets out by himself one out of 24. However if ever in general population he will not last long. There is two kinds of people inmate don't tolerate. They are rapist and child molesters. They will try to kill them if they get the chance. Seems to me that this could be a good answer for all of these rapist and child molesters. Just let the inmates have them and justice will be done.


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