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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Former 49ers Quarterback Colin Kaepernick Ignored as Players Sign for Free Agency

San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick became the talk of the league this year with his anti-American protests. Kaepernick recently declared his free agency, then announced he would end his refusal to stand for the national anthem. But, even as the league’s free agents are snapped up at a quickening pace, it appears that Kaepernick is being ignored, thus far going unsigned.

Kaepernick, once considered a burgeoning player with a bright future, helped lead the 49ers to the Super Bowl in 2012 only a year after he went pro. But, the 2011 second-round draft pick never sustained the drive to excellence since 2013, when he helped lead the 49ers to an NFC Championship.

According to rumors, San Francisco wanted to trade him off by 2015, but as the 2016 season began Kaepernick made national news with his increasingly anti-American, anti-police, and pro-black lives matter antics on and off the field.

Even as Kaepernick became the most disliked player in the NFL, the 49ers organization went out of its way to announce support of the player and frequently said they stood behind his protests. The team even awarded Kaepernick a prestigious award for his “inspirational and courageous play.”



  1. Another Breitbart article. How shocking. No one wants him because he sucks.

    1. My family and I stopped watching football because of him. He stops playing we start buying.

  2. Good. I hope the POS ends up on skid row. He deserves only the worst to happen to him.

  3. Just another over paid jerk that don't understand our flag honor . He cant even play the game well to be a backup

  4. I hope he can't sign with anyone, including being the waterboy for Pop Warner football. What a complete idiot.

  5. He is a perfect example of what happens when you convert to Islam and then decide to be a
    a radical believer!


  6. Reap what you sow! He's getting a bumper crop and richly deserves it.

  7. he's toxic. period

  8. To bad
    Cry me a river

  9. Word on the street is that government will be forcing wages to go up at McDonalds. This turd better apply before automation takes place of employees.

  10. Insert the goodbye song here

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    My family and I stopped watching football because of him. He stops playing we start buying.

    March 15, 2017 at 4:47 PM

    No. Not until the NFL apologizes for their lack of action in allowing this disgusting behavior then and only then will I watch football again.

    1. I think the next time I do my job I'm going to celebrate grind and make a huge spectacle of myself says no republican ever

  12. Another American sport going down the tube because we want to be politically correct for the entire world. Next thing they'll suspend NASCAR for the month of Ramadan as not to offend our non pork eating fans

  13. he can get a job as a hump dryer in a camel wash

  14. 6:35, I'm with you on this. I did not watch any football this year, AND, I lived through it. I do not intend to watch football until football (King Goodell) admits and apologizes that they "screwed the pooch" on this one. No admission, my money will not go to football or their sponsors.

  15. This non American loving dude will actually be throwing bombs for the next Jihad team that has already drafted him.

  16. If he could play he would be signed. He can't so why would any team want a washed up QB and a head case to boot.

  17. What a Bunch of.......WHINERS!
    You guys want some cheese to go wirh your WHINE!?

  18. Dear 10:37,
    As you are aware , or maybe not , This is America. It is not the middle east or Africa , we have a nation laws and our constitution is our guide . We were founded on a religion of In God We Trust , if this ignorant a$$ doesn't like our system he can move to a better one. My opinion on him is so low that I wouldn't waste a 223 shot , however , he makes for good headlines for the corrupt media. He is a radical muslim and should be treated as such . I need to go now so I can flush what's remaining of kaepernick down the bowl.


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