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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

FBI chief James Comey inserts himself into the seamiest corners of politics

For a guy who claims to be above or beneath or beside grubby politics in America, FBI chief James Comey sure does manage to insert himself into the seamiest corners of politics and seize the spotlight at the most fraught moments possible. In this past election, Jim Comey was the “Where’s Waldo?” of American politics.

First he condemns Lady Dragon Hillary with the most damning exoneration in the history of public prosecutions. Then he slays her in public with just weeks to go before the election — only to ride up on his armor-suited horse in a failed effort to resuscitate her in the final days.

As busy as Mr. Comey was in the glare of the klieg lights toying with the helpless and enfeebled Hillary, he was even busier behind the scenes secretly tampering with the election in ways unknown.

Mr. Comey testified before Congress on Monday that his FBI launched a counterintelligence investigation all the way back in July into the presidential campaign of Republican nominee Donald Trump and possible ties to the Russian government.


  1. Trump has to fire him.

  2. Comey loves to testify...His house is probably covered with mirrors inside.

  3. Come is Satan and needs to get out off our government. Prison awaits. He is nothing but an evil force, and his force needs to be taken away for good.

  4. President Trump should make sure this guy sees the door and quick - never should have kept him on, period.


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