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Tuesday, March 07, 2017

EPA leaders, advocates urge Trump administration to reconsider cuts to budget and workforce

Reports that the Trump administration plans to cut the Environmental Protection Agency’s budget “to the bone” have supporters worried that what needs the most protection right now is the agency’s workforce.

An EPA budget breakdown obtained by Federal News Radio includes a 25 percent cut to EPA’s budget, a 20 percent cut to EPA’s staff, up to a 30 percent reduction in state grants, and flat lining of roughly two dozen programs, including the Global Change Research, environmental justice, environmental education, and the Clean Power Plan implementation.

Clifford Villa, an assistant law professor at the University of New Mexico, and a former legal counsel for the EPA, said there is always an assumption that agencies can do more with less.



  1. Cut it even more. a total waste of our money

  2. It's about time that our Leader starts making budget cuts. I am fully confident in this decision.

  3. So they can stay and screw the president,no they all must go.

  4. Yep, the gravy train of government funding for them to promote their man made global warming hoax is coming to an end.
    I can't wait for the investigations to begin about the fraudulent science and the prosecutions to begin. I hoping Michael Mann is first to be frog marched to jail over his fake hockey stick graph

  5. eliminate the epa!


  6. Anyone else with a gas weedwhacker or boat motor lost to ethanol gas?

    Cut them loose!!


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