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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Dover lawyer demands end to ‘torture’ of prison inmates

DOVER — A local law firm sent a letter Monday to Gov. John Carney calling for the “torture of Delaware inmates at James T. Vaughn Correctional Center to cease immediately.”

Attorney Stephen Hampton, of the law firm Grady & Hampton, LLC, claims in the letter that “scores of inmates have been brutalized and tortured at the prison near Smyrna since C-building was stormed by law enforcement and correctional officers on Feb. 2.”

Mr. Hampton said he’s been “inundated with requests for help” from inmates and their families since the uprising at the prison that left Lt. Steven Floyd dead — many requesting a class action lawsuit be filed on their behalf.



  1. If I'm not mistaken they are criminals in prison for punishment of their crimes. Not a daycare or a luxury hotel. Bring back chain gangs and make them work instead of sitting around in the heat and air conditioning watching tv and lifting weights

  2. Take ALL there S..T away for 1 yr..lock them down.

  3. What about the rape torture and murder of the Delaware guard ?

  4. It's a state problem, if it exists, and only Delaware can fix it.

  5. Mr. snowflake lawyer--it is a prison. More liberal idiots!

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If I'm not mistaken they are criminals in prison for punishment of their crimes. Not a daycare or a luxury hotel. Bring back chain gangs and make them work instead of sitting around in the heat and air conditioning watching tv and lifting weights

    March 23, 2017 at 7:11 PM

    well, yes you are mistaken as most folks are. they are sent to prison AS punishment, not FOR punishment.

    you way of thinking, chain gangs, make them miserable, run their noses in it, etc., has been used since prisons have been in existence. To no avail.

    Check the recidivism rates for state prisons. It is a high number. If what you suggest would work and make them not want to return to prison, those numbers should be lower wouldn't you agree?

    Instead it is the opposite. The question is why. Part of the reason is when they are released, and keep in mind most of them WILL be released one day, most do not have any skills to make it in society, just like when they entered prison. So they get released, fall back into the same old habits and return to prison. A profitable cycle for the prison industry.

    Prisons get paid for each person in a bed. It is their best interest to keep their beds full = more money. We the taxpayers pay for all of it. Over and over again.

    Now most short sighted people do not like the idea of educating prisoners. They think that is soft on crime or rewarding people for being criminals or what have you.

    But if they could step away from that thinking for a minute and realize that people exiting prison with an education, a skill, will find it much easier to find and keep a job. They are then making honest money, paying taxes, their self worth and image improves.

    Before you know it, they can support themselves legally without resorting to criminal acts. Less people in prison more people on the tax rolls.

    Sadly, most people don't see it that way. They want as much punishment, as much difficulties as possible heaped upon these individuals. They broke societies rules and laws and must be treated as the scum they are, right?

    And so it continues. Garbage in, garbage out.

    People always say the system is broken. Yes it is. But no one wants to fix it. They keep using the same failed policies and procedures they have been using for hundreds of years, and expect different results.

    Never going to happen. We will always have the poor, we will always have the criminals. The trick is to minimize the amount of them as much as possible.

    Until the people and powers that be realize that and act on that, we will always have what we have always gotten.

    The mistaken belief that if you make prisons as terrible as possible people will not return does not work and will never work. You don't make prisons worse, you make prisoners better. THEN they will not return, at least not in the high numbers we have seen for decades.

  7. Or, we could just hang them, 2:22. That would solve both problems and stopping prison subsidies would solve the third.

    There, all done here.

  8. 222 why all the fuss over the quality of prison?
    ever think of addressing the behavior of the criminals or is that to much for you, snowflake?

    the perps attended school at some point, evidently school work didn't appear to offer any alternatives to getting high, committing crimes and being a lazy ignorant selfish pos! so they take the easy way out, and we pay over and over, again and again!

    why don't you adopt a few take em home and counsel them on how to be a better productive citizen, if you are so concerned!

    F'em, bullets are cheaper and we don't have to deal with them every few years!



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