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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Do hoop earrings belong to women of color?

Hoop earrings are at the center of a heated debate at a Southern California college.

Pitzer College received a lot of attention last week after a group of Latino students painted "White Girl, Take OFF Your Hoops." on an art wall dedicated to free speech on the side of a dormitory.

Alegria Martinez, a campus Resident Advisor (RA) and active member of the "Latinx Student Union", claimed responsibility for the painting along with several other students in an email thread sent to the entire student body, according to the Claremont Independent, the student paper for Claremont colleges.

In the email, Martinez said she and other women of color were "tired and annoyed" with "white women appropriating styles that belong to the black and brown folks who created the culture".



  1. Once she stole them from a regular person, of course a woman of color owns them. That's the problem. They believe stealing brings entitlement.

  2. Bigger the hoop - bigger the ho.

  3. They need to look at history. Im sure the Greek, Egyptians and Romans have been wearing hoop earrings a lot longer than they have, but don't let those facts get in the way of your racism.

    1. Thank you well said it's sad there are still so many uneducated that have never been exposed to any kind of diversity still exsist smh

  4. Then maybe women of color shouldn't try to look more like white women with their fake hair and skin lightening cream.

    1. Skin lightening cream? Really? You tell me one black person that uses skin lightening cream in an attempt to become white, lol! That is really funny..how about white women stop using tanning beds to become darker!!!

    2. How about all them wigs black women wear that looks like white womens hair?? You all spend hours trying to get your hair like a white womans! Can you say Beyoncé??

    3. Or the white women locally transforming like that white chick who been passing for black. Lol

  5. These people are ignorant. Simply moranic. I cant take this assinine behavior any more. Cleanse this country. Please.

  6. Regardless of the color of the woman, they look like crap.

  7. only the ones through their noses

  8. This is not news. This is more of the divisive crap that the MSM promotes to appease the Globalist's progress, which includes race wars to break down the fabric of nations. Don't listen to it.

  9. sure, why not. everything else belongs to them.

  10. The entire argument about 'cultural appropriation' is absurd.

    Nobody owns anything. Somebody is just looking for some new kind of divisive issue to fuel their victim-hood.

    Is wearing jeans 'cultural theft' from cowboys? Of course not. Wear them if you want to. Enjoy it.

    Just get a grip and quit fussing.

  11. they certainly own gawdy jewelry & clothing. ridiculous fashion sense.

  12. in my experience only whores wear that stuff!

  13. They are earrings for God's sake. Anyone can wear any kind they want as long as they can afford to buy them.

  14. Maybe these"college" student should go back to 2nd grade..Who cares about earrings. Just another reason to bitch and complain about something. If they don't like it, they can go back to where they came from...Literally. who are you to say certain ppl can't wear stuff? Good if that's the case no more weaves and wigs or color contacts cuz your taking the "white" hair and eye colors...SEE HOW DUMB THAT SOUNDS...idiots

  15. They should remove the clothing they stole from Europeans . Hey we invented basketball too.

  16. 10:47 AM:
    To answer your question. The child molester Michael Jackson, adored by blacks, drastically lightened his skin. Of course it only made him appear more freakish than he already was. Good riddance!

    1. Hey genius...the comment says white WOMEN...Good riddance!

    2. You have truly broken the mold on how big of a Moran someone can be Michael Jackson had immunodeficiency it attacks you melaniny friend who is white has it he only bleached his skin to try and make his skin look even do to his disease is your dad also your grandfather because with your reply I sense inbreeding and the Eastern Shore is famous for it

  17. I think they better stop wearing PANTS... before they encountered white people, they worn loincloths and went barefoot.
    Take the shoes off, too.
    They are taking stupidity and dumb to new lows.
    And, now, MILK is racist, too?
    They are SO dumb, dumber, and REALLY dumb.


  18. My sarcastic, smart-azz comment is that if we're to be governed by historical norms all the girls/women should drop out since historically only men went to college. Because this wasn't an absolute bar, one woman/girl would be permitted to enroll per college. Based on history, she would be white.

    Problem solved.

    You're welcome, ladies.

  19. I'll wear whatever damn style of earring I please!

  20. So why do women of "color" have their hair straightened and even bleached blond (think Beyond-me-Beyonce)? Isn't that cultural appropriation?

  21. Hey "Blessed", did you have a big party when you graduated from 2nd grade at age 18?

  22. 7:14, you're sure not blessed with an education. Leave the comments to those of us who know what they are talking about.


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