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Tuesday, March 07, 2017

DeepStateGate: Trump Ends the Wiretapping Innuendo Game by Dealing Himself In

Trump calls Obama and Co. on their Russia bluff

The White House statement on “DeepStateGate” — President Donald Trump’s allegations that former President Barack Obama ordered surveillance on him during his 2016 presidential campaign — has the feel of cards and chips thumping down on the table:
The White House is placing a substantial bet on what Congress will uncover. Don’t expect those cards to be dealt swiftly because such investigations take time. The Obama administration was highly adept at stalling investigations until the Democratic media could pronounce them “old news” and ignore the outcome.

The Trump administration can distinguish itself by cooperating energetically with this one and helping it move forward quickly. Rest assured that no matter how long it takes, the media will never consider it “old news” as long as there remains any chance for anyone connected with the Trump 2016 campaign to get in trouble over contacts with the Russians.

It’s possible one reason Trump issued his explosive tweets on surveillance was to make everyone put up or shut up. That might already be working, as some of the more aggressive dealers in unsubstantiated innuendo are suddenly admitting they don’t have any actual evidence. There can’t be any hard evidence if Trump is super-duper wrong about Obama administration surveillance.

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  1. Trump is in deep.....way over his head.

    1. 95 percent chance he will lose election according to CNN polls. It's laughable he is even running. He will never win Florida. Impossible he will win CNN Don lemon says.... how did that work out for you? Score board!!

  2. 5:11

    Trump just Trumped the dumbocrats with their false accusations about Russia.
    Now the dumbocrats are on the defensive about illegal wiretaps and illegal leaks.
    What goes around comes around.

  3. Trump is going to play these chumps like a child's game. The gig will be up.

  4. Trump is always one step ahead of the Democrats and the media.

  5. You Dems & Libs are just mad that everything you try towards Trump's demise turns around and bites you in the arse! You are asking for Communism on all fronts, and that will always fly in the face of a Constitutionalist and w will make sure the Constitution wins, by hook or by crook, we will not be defeated.

    Give up now, or accept your defeats on a daily basis. We are here ti fight 24-7-365.


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