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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Court rules that another Obama labor appointee illegally served at NLRB

The Supreme Court ruled that President Obama violated the Constitution when he maintained an acting agency appointment after the Senate refused to confirm him.

The court ruled Tuesday that Obama appointee Lafe Solomon illegally served as acting general counsel to the National Labor Relations Board from 2010 to 2013. Solomon, who once violated the agency's ethics rules, should have vacated the position in accordance with the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998 (FVRA) after the Senate refused to take up his nomination to serve as permanent general counsel in 2011, the court found in a 6-2 opinion authored by Chief Justice John Roberts. The appointment was an "end-run around" the Constitution.

"We cannot cast aside the separation of powers and the Appointments Clause's important check on executive power for the sake of administrative convenience or efficiency," the majority ruled.



  1. Prosecute, and be quick about it. He knew he was violating the Constitution, he being a Constitutional expert surrounded by other Constitutional expert.

  2. Bring back the old days.... Tar and Feather him and.....

  3. Unfortunately, nothing will occur.

  4. I'm really sick of hearing ANYTHING about this POS!
    Can't we just bury him in history?


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