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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Congressman Harris Applauds Attorney General’s Move to Enforce Federal Immigration Law in Sanctuary Cities

WASHINGTON, DC: Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) issued the following statement in support of Attorney General Sessions’ announcement that the Department of Justice (DOJ) will now require compliance with federal immigration law as a condition for receiving DOJ grants:

“I fully support the Attorney General’s position to deny future and claw-back current law enforcement funding from jurisdictions in the United States that fail to comply with federal immigration law. Unfortunately for Maryland, that means many jurisdictions will lose funding, including Baltimore County. The county stands to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars in law enforcement grants from the Department of Justice as a result of its sanctuary policy, which places its residents at risk.”


  1. Roll up your sleeves America,because when this takes place we'll all be doing jobs we don't like.It's what you want and what I want,but don't plan on being a stranger to manual labor.

    1. That's what built this country and what is needed to rebuild it!

  2. Way to go Mr. Harris! I applaud you!


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