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Thursday, March 02, 2017

Congressional candidate: Moon-colonizing companies could destroy cities by dropping rocks

A transgender-issues activist and Democratic candidate for Congress says the advent of the space tourism industry could give private corporations a “frightening amount of power” to destroy the Earth with rocks because of the Moon’s military importance.

Brianna Wu, a prominent “social justice warrior” in the “Gamergate” controversy who now is running for the House seat in Massachusetts’ 8th District, suggested in a since-deleted tweet that companies could drop rocks from the Moon.

“The moon is probably the most tactically-valuable military ground for earth,” the tweet said. “Rocks dropped from there have the power of 100s of nuclear bombs.”

More here


  1. Actually rocks dropped on the moon fall to the moon.
    The moon has gravity, you see. Not as much because less massive than the earth, but still gravity. (The men who walked on the moon didn't come hurtling down to earth as bombs!)

  2. Somebody's been overdoing the ganja.


  3. Pitching rocks at cities on Earth from the Moon. O's should be scouting prospects with an arm like that. That's genius level thinking! He/she/it will be quite a complement to Fauxahontas in Congress!

    Coffee, meet keyboard!

  4. Is she related to Maxine Waters?

  5. The face of a 'MOONBAT'

  6. Dumber than a bag of rocks

  7. I wonder whatever happened to the golf ball that was hit on the moon by Alan Sheppard? Did it ever come down or did it his an alien spaceship?

  8. Someone needs a little lesson on gravitational pull

  9. Hank Johnson agrees and doubled down to say any rocks hitting near the coastline may 'capsize' the United States

  10. Got to love the education system of the past twenty or so years.


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