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Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Congress Takes Aim at DOJ 'Slush Fund' to Left-Wing Activists

This week, Congress turned attention toward a continuing Obama Administration policy wherein the Justice Department (DOJ) incentivizes corporate payments to left-wing activist groups like La Raza.

As President Donald Trump wages war against federal bureaucrats left over from the Obama Administration, lawmakers are taking aim at this practice — instituted by former Attorney General Eric Holder — which effectively funds progressive get-out-the-vote operations by shaking down financial institutions.

A 2015 Wall Street Journal op-ed from Kimberly Strassel called the program “a scheme to undermine Congress’s spending authority by independently transferring dollars to President Obama’s political allies.”



  1. The whole friggi'n Govt is a SLUSH FUND !!!

  2. The Clinton and Obama SLUSH funds are Enormous !!!!

  3. If Obama had access to hundreds of millions of dollars in cash to give to the Iranians in exchange for a handful of hostages, how much of America's money do you think he stashed away for himself?

  4. He stashed away PLENTI !!! That's why he can live in DC
    in a Rich neighborhood .........


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