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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Concerns raised over Trump proposal to cut Chesapeake Bay funding

WASHINGTON — Environmental advocates are raising concerns over President Donald Trump’s proposed budget, saying the spending plan would slash funding for a program that has helped to improve water quality in the Chesapeake Bay.

Under Trump’s proposal, released this week by the Office of Management and Budget, federal funding for the Chesapeake Bay Program would be eliminated.

The program is led by the Environmental Protection Agency and is focused on reducing pollution in the bay.



  1. Cut them, this too shall pass.

  2. Let the Good Ole boy fisherman and PVT org pay for it i am done with it.

  3. For all the bellyachers about the Chesapeake Bay: Perhaps if the Maryland would quit filing nuisance suits against the Federal Government for doing what they are mandated to do, i.e. travel ban BS, then the state would have money to solve the Bay issue. Quit letting Democrats waste your money on BS and put it into the state's infrastructure, and you won't have any issues. The Federal government's job is to protect the citizenry not support every tree hugging initiative some bored housewife and hippy dreams up to extort cash while doing nothing! If the Bay is really that important to you, finance the endeavor yourself and quit looking at the federal tit to supplement your 'causes.'

  4. Amazing, Marylanders know how to create GoFundMe accounts for everything under the sun but not for the Bay? If you're that concerned about the Bay then do something to raise the money yourselves.

    Get a grip. You look like morons.

  5. good let the liberal snowflakes pay for it.

  6. That organization as achieved nothing other than, it seems, paying themselves wages.

    We pay a fee with every water bill. And still nothing has changed, other than, it seems, them paying themselves a nice wage.

    It is nothing more, it seems, to be, another non profit scheme to take money from people and achieve nothing.

    Maybe if they actually achieved something, most would not feel forceably ripped off with this mandatory donation to a non profit organization that has done nothing.

  7. I noticed the money went to "PLANNING", which tells me that almost none of it went to actually producing something positive, Just goof-off jobs for antagonizing residents of the areas involved..

  8. People need to get a serious clue about the real deal here. Its incredibly ignorant to push this Bay situation off on the federal government. It's not their job to clean up OUR mess.

  9. PA is as guilty as MD is! Crap flows downstream!

  10. 204 then talk to the governor of PA. Don't expect the federal government to pay for something WE should be paying for.

  11. Maryland has made a big enough fool of itself this week, do you really want to compound it with this nonsense?

  12. F the Bay. I got no kids and don't care. I dump my old oil on my property and spray roundup n diesel along the bulkhead cuz my weedwacker don't work anymore do to the ethanol gas.

  13. He's also cut funding to PBS! Love it!!!! On both MPT and De public tv it was fund raisers all night begging for money for their liberal causes! Noticed they also got rid of the spanish mpt channel VME and put in MPT kids. Never saw any fund raisers on VME! He also eliminated funding for the endowment for the arts as well. We will see how public radio does, not that funding has been eliminated from our tax dollars. They will now have to either sink or swim!

    1. Google how much the PBS pres earns.

  14. Being a good leader means having to make cuts where warranted. You people sound like union workers. The day of the union rule is long gone. We've entered a new era in America where cash is king again. Feelings don't equate! Wanna feel good, go to the Bay on the weekends and pick up trash on the shoreline. Quit bitching about the destruction of the nanny state. Nannies need not apply.

  15. Meals on wheels looks bad for trump BUT they get tons of money donated by pvt orgs oh by the way what does the Meals on wheels pres make?????
    as far as PBS seasame stree is now moved to HBO X 3 months.so the SNOWFLAKES will have to pay for HBO to watch cartoons.

  16. Swamp Drainer of the ShoreMarch 17, 2017 at 2:44 PM

    Your comment looks worse on you, 239. Had you bothered to investigate, you'd find that Meals on Wheels only gets 3% of their budget from federal government. The rest comes from donors and other sources. Please educate yourselves because you look ridiculous. The balance sheets are out there. It's well covered and if you google it, you'll find them all within seconds. FACT: like the Bay Meals on Wheels should be financed by local and state; not federal government! Salisbury has tons of churches and I've known people who have called them and they didn't give anything but a phone number to come local group that takes only 23 people a day and the number is picked randomly - after people show up at the crack of dawn and wait in line. So don't sit there and preach about Meals on Wheels. You have no idea what the hell you're talking about.

  17. It's obvious from some of these comments, some are addicted to federal money like a crack whore addicted to crack. Pathetic.

  18. Our Meals of Wheels get money from the Community Foundation. They will find a way. Get over it folks. And for the Bay, we paid for years for those special tags on our cars saying "Save The Bay". The bay is saved... get over it.

  19. It's a federal issue because the bay is in 3 states. MD law has no effect on PA or VA...

  20. So not only will the good ole boys overfish but we'll have no assistance...great. It's just what you hillbillies want, open season on the resources...

  21. 2:53 The Chesapeake Bay is not in Pennsylvania. Its the Susquehanna River. The Susquehanna flows into the bay. PA should have their laws and so should Maryland. I am sure there are enough environmentalists in PA to keep the river clean.

  22. Cut the funding. Save the bay doesn't do anything but paint "no oil dumping" on curbs and lobby to destroy fishing. The bay needs help, but they are not providing it and are a waste of money. Overfishing is not the issue. We need to get water quality under control, but we don't need federal regulations to do it.

  23. Thats right 3:37! Lets pawn it off on someone else! Just ignore it, someone else will fix it!

  24. 3:37 The chesapeake bay watershed is part of PA and DE. Maybe if you got off the shore, you would know a lil more. It is funny seeing all theses comments cheering these cuts, just wait until it hits home.

  25. Good not just good but Damn good. (map)

  26. i'm heading back to my job at Salisbury waste water, looks like we are overloaded so I guess we'll dump a few thousand gallons of sewage into the river to relieve the stress. but don't forget it's still open for swimming, right IRETON?

  27. 2:04 is correct. the pollution is NOT all coming from my septic tank and drain field more than 100 miles away...duh. now where do you suppose it is coming from??? how about all the commercial and industrial pollution along the western shores of the bay...

  28. Been watching money being poured into the different clean up the bay programs since the late 60's. The results, more pollution, less accomplishment, and the do gooders bragging about all their (ineffective) efforts. Good that Trump wants to stop wasting taxpayer dollars that have heretofore only supported the egos of a very few.

  29. Anonymous said...
    good let the liberal snowflakes pay for it.

    March 17, 2017 at 1:54 PM

    I agree. My tax dollars shouldn't have to pay for it.

  30. Poor Jake Day is having a liberal fit about it. He is siding with his Libtard buddies on it and bitching about it.

  31. Just keep up with the common sense stuff that we're already doing/supposed to be doing and the Bay will recover.

  32. They are nit picking everything about Trump's budget. Pass the damn thing like you wanted us to do about the Obammycare bill.

  33. It's ok. For years money has been taken from Md. taxpayers (every single one of them)without anything effective happening regarding the bay. No one knows where the money has been spent or where it has gone. There's little to no improvement in the bay water quality.
    It's facts, folks!

  34. The elitists that run the agency just party with the money they get.


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