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Friday, March 03, 2017

Coming Soon, Looking Down Fitzwater To Downtown Salisbury Parking Lots In 2020


  1. bote Mayor Fake Day, Gang leader Sheriff Lewis, and lying azz Duncan out of office...

  2. Absolutely and so true!!

    Jake Day and Jim Ireton... Oh, don't forget DingleBarrie Tillmon!

    1. I could say that Barrie was very anti renters... That's why a lot of subdivisions got annexed during her tenure. I would mainly blame Day and Ireton

  3. yep they are Destroying america to bring in slum votes.
    jake day
    jim liarton
    city council
    your all a DISGRACE TO DABURY.

  4. I'll show you a city with no job opportunities.

  5. At least they have nice cars

  6. Thats what dems do they take your hard earned money and give it to lazy welfare peeps who sit at home for 5 10 15 20 yrs and still have there hands out .

  7. Jake Day and his cronies will turn downtown Salisbury into a Ghetto. Low income housing, drugs, bars. Their ideals will promote the decay of the already decaying downtown. Put a fork in their ideals Salisbury downtown is done. Glad I don't live in Salisbury and don't EVER go downtown.

  8. I heard downtown is going to get strip joints just like Baltimore st when the new section 8 housing is built. this will be a great ASSet for da bury. I hope we get a pussycat club


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