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Monday, March 27, 2017

Coast Guard launches new ship to help protect Maryland waters

WASHINGTON-- The U.S. Coast Guard gave a tour of its new ship, the Lawrence Lawson. It will be used in Maryland waters mostly for search and rescue missions.


  1. "The vessels are armed with a remote-control 25 mm Bushmaster autocannon and four crew-served M2HB .50-caliber machine guns", which are always useful for search and rescue operations.

  2. I believe, unless my eyes completely failed me the article said "mostly" for Search an Rescue.Most,not all of their smaller vessels are fitted for armament, as the Coast Guard is responsible for Port Security,Search an Rescue, and Drug Interdiction among other duties. I think it would be safe to say that people involved in those businesses are not armed with water pistols.

  3. Protect Md waters from what? Whens the last time a Coast Guard boat made a drug interdiction in Md waters. I know to protect Md waters from the bad guys with an extra fish !

  4. Maybe they will scuttle some of the watermen's boats used to illegally harvest fish and oysters.

    1. Coast Guard only boards to check safety equipment. They don't know fishing laws or cite people for fishing violations.

  5. Those semi submersible submarines loaded with cocaine, heroin and illegals keep showing up in the Choptank River. We need bigger guns on our search n rescue vessels. Who is running this ship, Limelight Lewis? Oh wait, I don't think he can swim in anything but the kiddie pool. :)

  6. 11:49 They are federal LEO and most certainly know violations of most state laws. The work closely with DNR and will call them to assist when they suspect state laws are being broken.

  7. once again military tactics used on sillivilians!
    overkill? joke!

  8. This is excellent instead of spending a lot of money for a new boat they are using a boat as good for the missions needed. This is a win win, reuse instead of always purchasing over priced new boats and any other transport vehicles or equipment.


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