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Friday, March 31, 2017

'Cards Against Humanity' Creator Vows To Buy And Publish Congress's Internet History

Many Americans are understandably upset that state representatives voted against net neutrality, effectively allowing Internet Service Providers (like Time Warner Cable, Comcast, etc.) to sell our private data off to whichever company wants to buy it.

Adding insult to injury is just how little some of the representatives had donated to them from the ISPs to fork over our personal data. The Verge posted a handy-dandy list of all 265 representatives and the amount of money they sold away our private information to corporations for. You can check it out here.

People were alarmed that the bill would pass, like "Cards Against Humanity" creator Max Temkin.


  1. lol
    start with Maxine " James brown" Watters

  2. This bill passed thanks to House Republicans and Trump will sign it into law, sad.

    1. Wrong this was written by OBAMA and will be stopped by Trump fool.

  3. Next they are going after net neutrality. A very bad move for freedom.

  4. Get the Justice Department ready, because if they print their browsing history, a whole bunch of them will be resigning or getting arrested.
    Cheer THAT.

  5. I voted for Trump because I HATE Hillary. I was hoping for the best and reserving judgement. This lumps him in with all the rest for me.


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